Answering the call of God on our lives can be scary and exhilerating at the same time. When we say "yes" to Jesus we say yes to all He has for us. I inspire audiences with...
Posted by Dawn-Rene Curiel on 12/09/2024
Experiencing the power of God's presence changes us. Treasures from Heaven and nuggets of wisdom unfold as I share experiences from my own life. I offer your audience practical...
Love is a constant theme throughout the entire Bible and a key ingredient to living an effective Christian life. When we truly understand what biblical love is and how to live it out,...
Posted by Lori Militello on 02/26/2024
The most important choice we can ever make in life is to place our faith in Jesus Christ. But the most important choice we make every day is whether or not to read His Word, the Bible.Intimate...
Posted by Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023
Based on her evangelistic, 2023, new-release book, Spiritual Growth: Find the Courage and Clarity to Live Authentic and Free, this program helps women discover how to share a saving...
Forgiveness. One of the most misunderstood, mistaught and untaught - yet also one of THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issues for our eternal salvation! There's MORE to this...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 06/01/2021
Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) - Speaker In 16 years we've had more than 36,000 Babies saved. As the Executive Director I've arranged many Keynote Speakers! What...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 05/22/2021
Emotional Healing. We have many wounded among us! They stumble along, trying to cover the pain, trying to just keep going, trying to fulfill God's plan for their lives,...
Abortion and the Church. Did you know that for decades, over 75% of women who procure an abortion in the U.S. claim the Name of Christ? 63,000,000 Babies aborted JUST in the U.S....
Posted by Pam Caylor on 05/20/2021
In this fun and inspiring message, Lori uses scenes and parallels from the movies Princess Diaries 1 and 2 to creatively communicate to women of all ages what their true identity...
Posted by Lori Militello on 05/02/2021
Using the illustration of an ancient Jewish wedding, Lori beautifully shares the ultimate love story of Christ and His Bride and how they parallel to one another. It's filled...
Posted by Lori Militello on 03/26/2021
In this teaching, Lauren speaks about the importance of developing disciples in a three-step process which is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 2. The message also gives many practical applications...