This three-part message for a retreat will help women to know the character of God, understand the word of God, and live out the Gospel by sharing His truth with others. ...
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7Many women feel invisible – to themselves, to others and even to God. This is a very...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 05/02/2020
ONLINE HOST PRAISE: "Rhonda blew us away! Her stories were riveting, her strategies practical and her presentation style enjoyable and heartwarming"All of Rhonda's...
A wise warrior suits up early. As a Christian woman soldier in God's army, it's imperative you know all about your armor. Join Jennifer to explore God's protective plan...
A broken family, dying mother, drug addiction, broken marriage, and personal health problems were just a few of Deb Copeland's hurdles. During this program, she shares how God...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 08/13/2019
Social media is the number one method of communicating messages, whether it be conducting meetings, sharing stats and data, news, or exchanging photos with family and friends. The...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 07/16/2019
Embrace Adversity and Transform Your Life with CherylRomans 8:28 emphatically reminds us that ALL things work together for our good. But what happens when life throws you a curveball...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 04/25/2019
Based on her popular children’s book, “I Will Not Be Afraid," Michelle discusses the definition of fear and how we allow fear to creep into our lives via dread and...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
Kelly encourages everyone to live, give, and love like Christ. Leave with a fresh perspective of the holiday, renewed excitement in Christ’s birth, and a bright anticipation...
Have you made mistakes? Do you have regrets? Kelly discusses the importance of forgiveness—even forgiving ourselves, sharing proven ways to overcome unforgiveness.----------Unforgiveness...
Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than have people over to your home? Does the thought of entertaining make you break out in hives – or send you into a Pinterest Panic? Learn...
How can we be certain God forgives us, especially if we still feel condemned?How can we forgive those who have hurt us, especially if they were the ones in the wrong?Will God still...
Posted by Karen Jurgens on 08/08/2018