As busy women, sometimes we do not press the pause button and just sit and meditate with The Lord. Making Christ a priority and not Pinterest, peers or our culture. Taking care of...
Social media is the number one method of communicating messages, whether it be conducting meetings, sharing stats and data, news, or exchanging photos with family and friends. The...
Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than have people over to your home? Does the thought of entertaining make you break out in hives – or send you into a Pinterest Panic? Learn...
How can we be certain God forgives us, especially if we still feel condemned?How can we forgive those who have hurt us, especially if they were the ones in the wrong?Will God still...
Dont' Pinterest Jesus out of the season looks at how we can get so caught up in the holiday festivities that we take our eyes and hearts of the real reason we are celebrating in the...