When an ordinary family decides to surrender every area of their lives to the Lord, they discover a “joy that surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) Felice...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
Joy can be yours by hearing that small still voice! Being a wife, mother, and homeschooling children shouldn't be thatdifficult...or is it? How about adding a business or...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
Becoming a published author is within your reach with these tips on author success! Statistics show that over six million Americans have written a manuscript for publication with the...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
Everyone has a story only she can tell. Future generations deserve to know your family history. Kelly shows that it can be as easy as chatting with a friend.----------When asked to...
Scripture reference: 1 John2:28-3:24How can we, who have experienced the miracle ofnew birth in Christ, deal with our own sinfulness as we try to live in the full assurance of our...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 01/22/2019
With over 30 years experience as pastors wife, author of 6 books, and speaker to women of all ages, Rhonda will develop a message of HOPE for your event that is grounded in SOUND DOCTRINE....
The first abuser in my life was parental. The consequence was a complete lack of self-worth. Thereafter, as I grew into adulthood, I allowed others to continue the abuse because it...
Looking through the lens of the life of Job, we examine how Job was able to maintain a right spirit through extreme adversity. Through Job's life the questions of our own relationship...
What's in your Christmas Cup? Mary and Joseph found prickly people and prickly situations in their Cup at the first Christmas. But with God's help, they managed to experience...
Rhonda's messages spill over with her passion to help women build NO REGRETS LIVES by guiding them toward a more intimate walk with Christ. Rhonda offers hope, I know the...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 07/20/2017
Steve and Rhonda get it - they have ministered together for over 30 years. Steve has served as a youth pastor, church planter, and now pastor at First Baptist Church of Patterson,...
What makes epic stories epic? Why does there seem to be such a longing for epic heroes these days, from our movies to our daily news? What is the lure of story, and why do we all want...