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Posted by: Rhonda Stoppe on 07/18/2017

Pastor and Wife Retreat with Steve & Rhonda Stoppe

Steve and Rhonda get it - they have ministered together for over 30 years. Steve has served as a youth pastor, church planter, and now pastor at First Baptist Church of Patterson, CA (for the past 17 years). They're passionate about helping ministry couples thrive. Whether it is teaching at couples conferences or a week long one-on-one retreat with a couple at their ranch in Northern California, they've helped countless ministry couples revive and restore their marriages.

Steve and Rhonda are so much fun! They are real, authentic and relatable. And the best part of their message is it is grounded in truth!

Steve and Rhonda teach at the popular No Regrets Marriage Conference, and have authored two books together that are helping countless couples build a NO REGRETS MARRIAGE:

-If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy - And Other Myths Wives Believe (Harvest House 2015)

-The Marriage Mentor  (Harvest House 2018)

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