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Posted by: Deb Potts on 08/16/2017

Prickly People in the Christmas Story

What's in your Christmas Cup? Mary and Joseph found prickly people and prickly situations in their Cup at the first Christmas. But with God's help, they managed to experience Joy, Peace, and Hope anyway. 

Take a journey back in time and discover the secrets to filling your Christmas Cup with true Joy, Peace, and Hope. 

Event Planners:

Your audience will be encouraged to look at the familiar Christmas story in a refreshing new way. Mary and Joseph encountered these situations in their Christmas Cup:

  • "Those people" - who could have robbed them of Joy with gossip
  • Caesar and the Innkeeper - who could have robbed them of Peace by "putting them out"
  • Herod - who could have robbed them of Hope by putting them on a road they never expected to travel

Audiences will be inspired to apply the example of Mary and Joseph to their own potentially prickly Christmas stories. The latest neuroscience will be compared to God's word about thought, and audiences will be encouraged to "think about what you're thinking about." This is a one-hour devotional suitable for an Advent ministry event. Based on Deb's books, Making Peace with Prickly People, and Mindful.

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