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Muriel Gladney

Christian Speaker
Rancho Cucamonga California 91701

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God is Unchanged from His Word that Women are an essential part of the kingdom of Jesus Christ

God is Unchanged from His Word that Women are an essential part of the kingdom of Jesus Christ

Contact Information

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Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
First Baptist Church
Relationship to Church
Regularly Attends
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
Bureau Level Fees

More About Muriel Gladney

Life has many twists and turns, especially when it comes to the path we believe we are on, versus the path that has been destined by God. 

An abusive childhood led me to become a full-blown atheist by the time I was 16. God introduced Himself when I was 52. This journey to true life is recorded in my first book: Mine: An Everlasting Promise of Love, Deliverance, and Wholeness. In addition, Mine... reveals that I was never alone. 

The last twenty-nine years has been spent learning to walk in the shoes of being a child of God, while also honing my God-given skills as an ambassador and writer for Jesus, author, and speaker. After moving to California, I returned to college at the age of 61. There I received an Associate Degree in Arts with honors, functioned as reporter and Editor-In-Chief of the college newspaper, while receiving numerous rewards for writing.  I am also published in God Encounters, a book by author James Stuart Bell.

My platform in writing and speaking is to remind especially women that God is Unchanged from His written word and His promises that women are an essential part of the kingdom of Jesus Christ to which I am a flesh and blood witness to this truth. Better yet, that our past does not and cannot nullify our God-ordained purpose.

On a weekly basis, I witness of God’s faithfulness to His Word on my Facebook blog: www.facebook.com/muriel.gladney. In addition to my books, these inspired messages of hope and inspiration serve to encourage women that we do have the victory over the enemy through Jesus.

Muriel Gladney Recommendations

Submitted by PJC Media Network on Friday, Jan 26, 2024

Parker J Cole

Ms. Gladney is an excellent speaker. She has a very crisp voice and personable attitude. With an earnest approach, she can tackle the subject without burdening the audience with empty rhetoric. Educated and down-to-earth, Ms. Gladney capable of teaching and connecting with the audience. I've had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she has an open spirit and a friendly attitude.

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Submitted by Lifeway Ministry Concierge Leader on Friday, Mar 31, 2023

Gwen Madison

I had the privilege of hearing Muriel Gladney speak at our Church Women’s annual meeting! She was a dynamic speaker. I was amazed by her journey from atheism to witnessing for Jesus. As I listened to her inspiring storytelling, I laughed, cried, and laughed some more! She is witty, intuitive and extremely entertaining as she spoke about how God is unchanged from His biblical promises to come for the lost.

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Submitted by It's Beginning To Rain Ministries, Inc. on Thursday, Feb 22, 2018

Rev. Linda C. Trisla, President and CEO

I am the President and CEO of It's Beginning to Rain Ministries and host of the It's Beginning to Rain television Christian talk show. Muriel was an invited guest on my show in 2016, and I found her to be engaging and comfortable in front of the TV camera. Her journey from being a dead-set atheist to a more than sold-out follower of Jesus Christ was compelling, heartfelt and honest. I highly recommend Muriel Gladney to you without reservation.

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Muriel Gladney Speaking Topics

God Unchanged

God promised in Isaiah 65:1, that He would come for the lost, including those that were not even looking for Him.  I am one of those was not looking. Nevertheless, in 1995, God...

Our past cannot nullify our future

The Samaritan woman was a type that probably identifies many women who come in from the world. He past did not matter to Jesus. She became the first evangelist for Jesus. As a former...

Word of God is the foundation for faith and life in Jesus

Growing up without knowledge of God or His Word led me to rely on myself and others. Yet, it never made sense why people could not keep their word. Over the last 23 years, God has...

Satan is not a character in a comedy show

God said from the beginning that the devil had a goal, which was to destroy the children of God one way or another. As a non-believer, vicious attacks and dreams kept me terrified....

The Woman

Women must learn who they are.  God knows. But, Satan also knows. The spiritual attack on Eve was not a mistake. Nor did it have anything to do with Eve being weaker than the...

Life after Widowhood

When my husband took his last breath, it felt as though my hope, love, and joy, also dissipated into thin air like a whiff of smoke. Although I was alive and breathing, time seemed...

Life Birthed in a Tomb

My second marriage promised to be a forever love story.  Ten months later, my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He died. It felt as though I had died and was buried...

Pole Vaulting Always Fails

The past is considered unimportant. Given the soul-breaking events that often occur in a woman’s life, the past is like hauling a 100-pound sack of potatoes around our necks...

Time Frozen is spelled G.R.I.E.F.

Scientists have been trying to figure out for centuries how to stop time.  They should ask a widow. www.murielgladney.com...

How to forgive a child abuser

The first abuser in my life was parental. The consequence was a complete lack of self-worth. Thereafter, as I grew into adulthood, I allowed others to continue the abuse because it...

Sweets for a Woman's Soul

Women love chocolate and romance. Book polls clearly show that the majority of fictional love novels are purchased by women because they promise a forever love. Thus, the question...

The Woman - The Missing Link

Everything that God declared in the beginning still functions today exactly as was spoken thousands of years ago.  In the beginning, God also said let them, male and female,...

The Beauty of a Tarnished Penny

Old pennies that were composed of mainly copper turned green and brown with tarnish when exposed to exterior weather.  Nevertheless, it never lost its governmental value. It was...

A Woman's Pulpit is the World

Our creator and God has not changed His mind. He spoke it. It is written. Thus it is 'still' so. The woman is purposed to change the world despite the enemy's efforts to...

The Velvet Trap of Facts

Unforgiveness is an open invitation to Satan. http://www.murielgladney.com.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RBjVQ9Xh68&list=PLUR5b_odMP-Wzc8o2lAUawCxlpqXsHodE&index=15....

It's More Than Okay To Be A Woman

www.murielgladney.com, i.e. Lighthouse Living: The woman - God's Perpetual Glue.    History reveals that women have always fought to be accepted in the world....

The Woman - An Eagle by Faith

 It is written that our heavenly Father said those that are in a relationship with Him will rise up with wings like an eagle. Our past—no matter how bad—cannot break...

Unforgiveness: Satan's Greatest Trick

People love magicians. However, what if the greatest trick throughout eternity is the invisible enslavement of our minds. Forgiveness is the key to the door called Freedom.  Check...

The Ghost of Rejection is a Bully

Rejection, whether by family, friends, and religion, causes many to doubt God, and sometimes the truth of His word in the Bible. But it is also written that fear is not of God.  So,...

Rebooting Our Mind

When a computer gets overloaded with ‘junk,’ etc., it requires a disc cleanup and defrag. Our minds are the greatest computer ever created—of course by God. And,...

Value Doesn't Always Look Spiffy

http://www.murielgladney.comIf you’ve ever gone garage selling, sometimes a valuable item is so dirty it looks #worthless. But, the expert can see beyond the dirt.  God...

What's Love Got To Do With It.

What's love got to do with it - life. The answer: Everything.  The command to love ourselves has hidden benefits. Heartfelt Love for God, in combination with loving ourselves,...

A Guaranteed Cure for Depression

Life's events have a tendency to drive people mad, and worse, as the promise of joy and happiness fall to the ground, like dead leaves shedding from trees. As with dead leaves,...

It is Time to Come Out of the Closet - of Religiosity

https://murielgladney.com/muriels-blog/f/the-other-half.    God said the Woman is the help meet, i.e. THE OTHER HALF of His plan to "dominate the world."  ...

A Purposed Square Peg

Jesus said,  Come and follow Me etc.  Ladies, despite the inaccurate interpretation, the Call of God was to males and females. For instance, in John 6: 44, 65, where the...

Walking Around Naked Will Kill You

We were taught by parents how to dress as children.  As adults, the world taught us how to dress.  But, did you know that wearing the wrong clothes leaves us naked.  Please...

Mothers: God's Solution for World Peace

The importance of mothers is being challenged around the world.  Although coming from an abusive home where her mother was the abuser, Muriel brings to light how that was never...

Trash-talking By Satan Ain't New

History proves that as long as there have been men and women on earth, trash-talking, i.e. speaking disparagingly, insulting, and/or abusively, about women, has existed.  However,...

Spiritual Diamonds in the Rough

In the natural, a diamond is formed from years of extreme pressure on carbon, to finally emerge brand new from what it ‘used to be.’  Much the same, life often exerts...

The Woman is God's Unbreakable Trailblazers

Ladies, the reality for women today is that the majority of the male population of this world - even in religious circles - has issues with the female population of the world.  ...

A Bougainvillea Woman

https://murielgladney.com/muriels-blog/f/a-bougainvillea-womanThe Bougainvillea plant is tough as nails, fast-growing, and puts on a spectacular show of colorful blossoms year-round....

Where Oh Where Can My Godly Husband Be?

It is written THUS IT IS POSSIBLE, that there will be men who will love their wife “as though loving their own body,” Ephesians 5: 28.  They do exist.   On the...

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Retired from secular work, but full time Christian author, writer and speaker

Upon my entry in the world of faith, the discovery that women were considered second class citizens left me without words. However, over the course of now 30 years, God's word has confirmed just the opposite. God cannot be put in a box. Neither can His plan for His purposed women be put in a box despite centuries of attempts. For instance, the Samaritan woman was the 'first' evangelist about the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus. In Luke 24, a woman, or women, appointed by Jesus, were the 'first' messengers that Jesus was risen, as He had promised. Both situations included women...

Posted by on 02/02/2018