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JOY is the SPARKLE of LIFE! With every person we encounter, we have the opportunity to leave the SPARKLE of the JOY of the LORD with them.

JOY is the SPARKLE of LIFE! With every person we encounter, we have the opportunity to leave the SPARKLE of the JOY of the LORD with them.

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Amarillo, TX 79109
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Wellington Church of the Nazarene
Relationship to Church
Pastor at
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
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Works with Your Budget

More About Leah Fort

I help overwhelmed people confront and collapse problems of the past, collect right information about themselves and convert their thinking, so they can connect to life and relationships more effectively!         

With her joyful, enthusiastic attitude, Leah has an exceptional ability to extract significant lessons learned from life-experiences and turn them into teaching points her audience can easily relate to. Through her personal accounts that move between tearful realities and joy-filled laughter, Leah reveals how to bring triumph out of trauma and find the sunshine behind the clouds. You will leave an event with Leah both challenged to forge a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, and ignited with renewed zeal for life connection, sparkling like a jewel to the world around you!

In addition to speaking, Leah is a writer and author. She is a regular contributor to the publication, The Upbeat Reporter. Leah is a contributing author in Faith Lessons: Experiencing the Miracles (Insight, 2008), Success Simplified (Insight, 2011), and Women of Purpose: Catch the Vision God Has for Your Life (Higgins 2019). Her book,Your Royal Rendezvous: Awake from Your Slumber, Arise from Defeat, Acquire Your Place at the Throne of Grace was nominated for the global Author Elite Award for literary merit and publishing excellence. Your Royal Rendezvous is available everywhere books are sold, including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, BAM, and other major retailers. 

Leah Fort Connects is Leah's daily radio broadcast, airing M-F on the Kingdom Keys Radio Network and on Christian Mix 106.

Ministering and serving in her home and church communities, Leah has been invited numerous times to lead opening prayer at City Council meetings for the City of Amarillo, led and served on community task forces, non profit boards, professional associations, and ministry boards. Leah currently serves on Wellington's Ministerial Alliance and Leah speaks frequently at community worship events.

Leah is an ordained minister serving as Pastor at Wellington, Texas Church of the Nazarene. Additionally, Leah serves as District Director of Women's Ministries for the Church of the Nazarene West Texas District. She and husband, Mike, an accomplished musician, serve together in worship and pastoral ministry. The Forts have appeared on national television, and often lead worship for community worship and music ministry events. 

Leah finds respite and solace as she writes by the river in the mountains of Colorado. This is where Leah and Mike enjoy down time, family time, and getting recharged. The Forts married in 1982 and make their home in Amarillo, Texas. They have a daughter and son-in-love, Sydney and Chase Clark, a son and daughter-in-love, Lane and Neeley Fort, and seven marvelous grandchildren.


Leah Fort Recommendations

Submitted by First Church Of The Nazarene on Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

Christy Walker

I highly recommend Leah Fort as a speaker! Leah Fort is an anointed woman of God that loves her Lord! I have heard Leah speak at our church and other events. Her knowledge of the word is inspiring. She has a passion to serve the Lord and through speaking engagements, this passion is clear. She draws you in with her wisdom and personal testimony. Her ministry is spirit led and covered by the love of God. She changes lives and is a true disciple of Christ!

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Submitted by Nazarene Church on Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024

K. Ray McDowell, Lead Pastor

It is with great confidence that I recommend Leah Fort to you today. Leah is a licensed minister with our church and has a proven history of being an effective minister in a variety of settings. I personally have witnessed Leah's preaching, teaching, singing, and worship leadership. She has the gifting to minister to any church, ladies group, youth, senior adults, or whomever. Be assured that regardless of the size or setting, Leah will be used of the Lord to minister to your need.

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Submitted by Friend on Monday, Jul 31, 2023

Jean Sykes, Friend

Leah cares for all those around her and anyone who she comes into contact with. I've heard her speak at our ladies retreats and also at the Women of Worth Conference. You can see the love of Jesus in all that she does. Leah has a passion to live for Christ and to show His love to others in both being an example and in teaching His Word. She will be a blessing to you and to all who attend her speaking engagements.

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Submitted by Women's Ministry Director on Tuesday, Mar 28, 2023

Sandy Pedigo, Women's Ministry Director

Since I have known Leah, I have witnessed a common thread woven through the years of her life. She has an insatiable desire to know God's Holy Word, the Bible. She truly has a passion for the scriptures and her mission is to help women come to know who they are in Christ Jesus. Leah has a precious spirit and has the unique ability to connect with people from all walks of life. She has the gift of speaking to a large gathering and making you feel like she is speaking with you individually.

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Submitted by First Nazarene Church on Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018

Stephanie Rifenberg, Treasurer

Leah has many years of speaking experience and uses her knowledge of the Bible in every lesson she brings. She is compassionate and her love of God shines in every aspect of her life.

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Submitted by First Nazarene Church on Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018

Tamara Ethier

I attend church with Leah, and serve the Lord on the worship team as a vocalist. Leah is a beautiful, spiritual worship pastor! She fills the room with her love and passion for Jesus!! I look forward to each practice and service, I get to sing and pray with her. Even better is being able to call her sister and friend in Christ!!!

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Leah Fort Speaking Topics

Elevator Shoes & Booster Seats - The Little Pick-Me-Ups of Life

Perspective is everything, in every circumstance. In a culture that rewards coarse humor and sarcasm, encouragement is a gift of light illuminating the world around us. It elevates...

TRUSTING GOD IN THE DARK: The Precipice: Between Arrival & Departure - When Trust is Your Only Companion

TRUSTING GOD for His purpose is most challenging when days are DARK!  Our ability to trust seems to abandon us when occasions for joy mutate into times awash with terror and pain....

Grace to Excel

God’s grace is more than a blanket that covers sin. Grace is the empowerment to carry out what God has called and purposed us to do. Grace to Excel provides the steps necessary...

Posted by Leah Fort on 10/28/2015


Have you ever been that person who is engaged in something and then "Squirrel!" you are suddenly looking at the shiny thing that just gleamed or you are so busy doing what...

Life-Infusing Joy

Looking through the lens of the life of Job, we examine how Job was able to maintain a right spirit through extreme adversity. Through Job's life the questions of our own relationship...

BURIED TREASURE-When the enemy wants you to forget what you already possess

HELP! My identity has been stolen! Nobody knows who I am anymore! I have nothing! What can I do? How can I be anything when I have nothing?Have you ever felt this way? Maybe...

Your Royal Rendezvous: Awake from Your Slumber, Arise from Defeat, Acquire Your Place at the Throne of Grace

Each morning, the dawn of the new day holds the promise of a royal rendezvous for us. Why? Because our Father is The King of Kings. We are The Lord's princesses.We all want to...

Leah Fort Events

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Women of Purpose: Catch the Vision God Has For Your Life!

This book is available in hardcover, softcover, and ebook.  Following is the page for pre-ordering this new book, so order yours TODAY! https://t.co/rvGBYbtEzx?amp=1 ...

Posted by Leah Fort on 09/07/2019

Your Royal Rendezvous: Awake from Your Slumber, Arise from Defeat, Acquire Your Place at the Throne of Grace

Do you dream of life as an heir to a majestic empire but wake up to the nightmare of a tormented, broken, and desperate reality?   Experiencing the magnificent, eternal Kingdom should be a daily routine. Yet when the soil of yesterday’s fray dulls life’s luster, we miss out on its hope and promise.    Author Leah Fort knows this first hand. Traumatic events in her childhood wrapped her in a prison of fear, which she learned to cloak with the fools’ gold of achievement. An encounter with The King broke through the façade, shattered the veil of fear,...

Posted by Leah Fort on 04/07/2020