Have you ever thought about what makes you, you? Sure, people have plaques and posters up of "who God says I am", but does that really help - deep down to change things inside?...
Posted by Kristi Laskie on 12/19/2024
Drink freely and nourish your spirit with Christ's Living Water Step away from the demands of daily living and immerse yourself in the wellspring of Christ's Living Waters...
Empowering women with simple tactics to escape overwhelm, understand what drives them, prioritize what matters, and experience the peace, joy, and freedom they deeply crave.=====Health...
Posted by Erin Moore on 12/14/2024
Reclaim Your Identity as God’s Beloved Daughter. Do you long to fully embrace your place as God’s daughter yet find yourself weighed down by feelings of abandonment,...
Who or what are our biggest influencers? Who can we trust? How do we make right choices? We need wisdom to discern!=====To find the answer to the question in the first paragraph...
Have you ever felt powerless? A situation arises that you have no control over. What about feelings of inadequacy and not feeling good enough? You don’t have the self-confidence...
The spiritual heart is central to every aspect of our lives. It cannot be overemphasized that everything in our spiritual life, and life in general, is all about the condition of the...
I didn't experience the love of a father growing up. But when I found out I had a Father in heaven who loved me more than any earthly father could, my life was forever changed...
What if scripture taught you how to be content, and you kicked wicked thinking to the curb, and your old disgruntled heart spilled over with new peace and joy.Linda saw CONTENTMENT...
Posted by Linda Keller on 12/11/2024
Could your women’s group use a fun night out - that will both tickle their funny bone AND give them practical and biblical tools to face daily challenges with joy?=====CS Lewis...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/10/2024
Discover the Joy of True Connection with God. Are you exhausted from trying to measure up to religious expectations, striving to be the “perfect Christian,”...