Drink freely and nourish your spirit with Christ's Living Water
Step away from the demands of daily living and immerse yourself in the wellspring of Christ's Living Waters of renewal. Come and drink deeply and experience a transformation that will continue to resonate long after the retreat ends.
In this sacred oasis, Patty invites you into a safe place to release broken cisterns and quench your spiritual thirst by drinking from His rivers of life. If doing a retreat, consider adding a Come to the Quiet.
Come to the Quiet is a time of quiet, restful worship in the presence of the Lord. We invite women to leave their stress and worries behind, come with Jesus to a quiet place and get some rest (Mark 6:31).
Two sessions, perfect for Women's Retreat
Highlighted Verses
John 4 Woman at the well
Isaiah 55:1-3
Jeremiah 2:13
In this talk with will:
Discover the broken cisterns and different sources of water we drink from and why.
Consider what is hindering our relationship with God.
Uncover the key to receiving Christ's Living Water.