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Posted by: Mary Gray on 12/12/2024

Power Up! I Am Not a Grasshopper!

Have you ever felt powerless? A situation arises that you have no control over. What about feelings of inadequacy and not feeling good enough? You don’t have the self-confidence to step out and make a difference or pursue your dreams. But with God's power in you, you can do more than you can imagine.


Have you ever felt like a grasshopper? I know that sounds like a strange question. We will explore the Old Testament account of when the twelve spies were sent out to recon the Promised Land they were to enter and felt like grasshoppers. What overcame and kept the ten spies and grumbling Israelites out of the Promised Land? FEAR. They forgot the POWER of God's deliverance.

I have a special, somewhat humorous, personal story of an encounter with a grasshopper!

We will look at Old Testament and New Testament power given to unlikely people God called to serve Him and the resurrection power of Jesus who brought the dead back to life. 

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