Are you exhausted from trying to measure up to religious expectations, striving to be the “perfect Christian,” and feeling like you’re falling short? It’s time to let go of the checklist and embrace the freedom you were meant to live.
In this uplifting session, Patty will guide your group into a fresh perspective on faith—one rooted in growing in love with the Savior rather than meeting manmade standards. Through this Divine connection, you’ll discover the unmatched joy, peace, and purpose of thriving in an intimate relationship with God.
Book this transformative session today to help your group break free from striving and step into the abundant life God has for them!
Single session perfect for ladies' lunch, tea, or retreat
Highlighted Verses for this Topic:
Ephesians 2:10
Philippians 2:13
John 15:5
Matthew 28:29-30
John 14:15
In this talk, we will:
Explore why God created us
Discuss how a lack of intimate connection with God throws us off track
Recognize how our flesh efforts to work for God only drain us
Talk about how the love Jesus instills in us through intimate relationship produces obedience and fruit.
Key Points:
Everything comes through our knowledge of God and develops through intimate fellowship with God through Jesus.
Above everything else, what God wants most is you. He longs for you to know Him, enjoy Him, and live every day wrapped in the experience of His love for you.