Doubting belief in God doesn’t always end in a deconversion. Mary Jo shares her story of how hypocrisy in the church caused her to question her faith. She then offers a realistic...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/26/2022
Evelyn’s life of heartbreak and hopelessness drove her directly into the arms of God. There she learned how to be His “Somebody,” and she comes to share those insights...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Our spiritual life does not stop at salvation. God has so much more in store for us, beyond what we can think or imagine! He is a Redeemer of all things broken and a Life-Giver to...
Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 08/08/2022
Solving the Puzzle-Find the Missing Pieces is designed as a weekend retreat or conference.Missing Something?Do you ever get the feeling that something isn't quite right -...
We are living in a hard world. Mental health issues like anxiety and depression are on the rise at alarming rates. This is not OK. God can use us to grow hope in our kids. Invite...
Posted by Lori Wildenberg on 02/01/2022
Resilience means the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens. Building your resiliency to win comes from growing your ability to deal with...
I gently share my story of how I got out of being hopeless, to hopeful. I had to hit rock bottom, which was an attempted suicide. My whole life, I had made a mess of my life. I had...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 08/10/2019
Have you made mistakes? Do you have regrets? Kelly discusses the importance of forgiveness—even forgiving ourselves, sharing proven ways to overcome unforgiveness.----------Unforgiveness...
Where were You God? If You really love me, how could You have let this happen? Will I ever feel whole again? Painfully raw questions from a broken woman in a place...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 07/03/2018
This is a bible study written to fulfill a promise made to God from the depths of hopelessness and despair. I promised God that if He would heal me, I would “sing His praises...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
Fathers {and mothers} , don’t over-correct your children or make it difficult for them to obey the commandments. Bring them up with Christian teaching in Christian discipline....