Christian Speaker
Birmingham Alabama
Shattered and Broken...By God's Grace...Forgiven and Whole
Changed by God’s grace by unimaginable life circumstances, searching for her significance. Now, her title,
“Overcomer” from, abandonment, emotional, physical, sexual, abuse. Abortion, divorce, suicide, and depression.
God’s plan for Christie was centered on the cross.
Christie’s story is about one life changed by God’s grace by unbelievable life circumstances. A childhood survivor of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. She suffered severe abuse in the girl's home where she lived during childhood. Later in life, her father was murder in her home. In dealing with severe depression, she contemplated her own suicide. But by the grace of God, He Intervened miraculously, and her attempt was unsuccessful. Years later, she then endured the horror of her husband committing suicide in a federal courthouse. Christie's life appeared destined for failure.
But God had different plans for Christie. Along the way, she got saved and found that Jesus promised her a plan for her life-giving her hope and a future, Jeremiah 29:11. Christie then embraced her past and started sharing her story of how God used her past for His good. Which started Christie's speaking ministry in 2007, and founding Hope Knows Your Name Ministries. She tells her life story with such vulnerability, which is so captivating in her book “Hope Knows Your Name.” She speaks believing passionately that each of us is born with a purpose. Christie’s Story will leave you breathless, as she shares all the details about her journey in life, and the precious road she took to finding Christ, leaving you feeling full of hope.
Christie is committed to working with individuals, organizations, churches, conferences, weekend retreats, schools, radio, television, boys, and girl’s detention centers, and social media platforms. Christie captivates and stuns audiences with her story and then calmly empowers them to accept challenges, embrace change, and to take action in their everyday life, to realize no one, nor any situation is hopeless. Her Tenacity and credibility are indisputable as she so obviously lives her message by example. People leave inspired and encouraged to take action regardless of the obstacles. Imagine the impact of these same words of hope in your organization or congregation.
In 2019 she filmed with the 700 Club with Pat Robertson, to share her story.
As Christie often says, "God has a miraculous way of taking the shattered pieces of your life and making them whole again." You will be encouraged and challenged by God's amazing grace to overcome seemingly impossible circumstances. Purchase her copy of Hope Knows Your Name, and you will see one Shattered and Broken life, But God....forgiven and whole. Mistakes were made, but you have your whole life in front of you waiting to be filled. Whatever has happened in the past in no way prevents you from filling that experience to the brim with real goodness and joy. Right now, is entirely up to you. Right now, is your time to make a choice. Choose to focus on your positive possibilities. Choose to look upward. Choose to look ahead. Put a smile on your face. Stand up, shake yourself off, and step confidently forward. Step forward in the direction of your dreams—yes, your goals. You owe it to yourself, and you owe it to the entire world, to bring those dreams to life.
Submitted by District Sales Manager At Sysco Guest Supply on Thursday, Jan 11, 2024
Christie's heart is at the root of everything she does. Her compassion for others is one of the first things I noticed about her. She has an undying love for helping those in need. I feel blessed to count Christie as a dear friend and someone I know I can depend on in a moment's notice!
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Submitted by Fran Curry - WEAC - TV24 Managing Editor & 6pm Anchor, Host, "Eve's Drop" Worldwide Audio Podcast, Co-host, Priority Talk, WXJC WVTM NBC13 Former News Anchor/Reporter, First Priority Of North Alabama Director Of Development And Marketing on Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023
Christie Musso in one word is a survivor! No matter the challenging times she faced; she pulled herself up, moved forward, inspiring so many of us along the way. I first met Christie more than 10 years ago at a single ministry dinner. We hit it off immediately. Her new book God Grace is enough will make such a difference in the lives of anyone who reads her words. So many people, me included, have faced miseries and obstacles we never anticipated. I am so grateful to call Christie a friend. She's a hard worker, a tireless advocate for all in need. Had it not been for her openness and helpfulness, many of us would have never reached the other side of the mountain.
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Submitted by WDJC 93.7 on Thursday, Aug 11, 2022
It's not often that a speaker leaves you on the edge of your seat, totally engrossed in a compelling testimony, and then fills you with such a sense of hope for the future...Christie Musso accomplishes this and so much more. Christie's compelling story of triumph over defeat gives her audience such encouragement to meet every trial with renewed determination. In addition, she's warm, charming and accessible! I highly recommend Christie for your next gathering, meeting or conference.
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Submitted by IT Services Technician At Shelby County Alabama on Friday, Mar 18, 2022
Christie is a mature Christian with a heart to serve God and people. She has the ability to work with people of varied personality types. She also has a skills that can be applied to various situations and diverse environments. She definitely has leadership qualities.
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Submitted by Attorney At Law on Saturday, Dec 18, 2021
Christie is very gifted as a motivational speaker and has exhibited outstanding integrity and experience in her leadership. Christie has gained a lot of wisdom in life experiences and speaks from her heart out of her past life changing experiences, combined with lots of humor which is very uplifting and fun!
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Submitted by Administrative Assistant At Better Business Bureau Of Central Alabama on Friday, Jul 02, 2021
Christie is a person of integrity, vision, commitment, and enthusiasm. She is a faithful servant of God with a passion for helping people.
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Submitted by Chelsea Creek Community Church on Saturday, Sep 07, 2019
It is my privilege to commend to you, Christie Musso Bruce. Christie was an active member of our church that I have known for several years now. Christie’s story is an amazing story of survival and perseverance, but more than that, a testimony of the grace of God in her life. She is more than a survivor - she is someone who has been transformed by the love of God. Christie also has high natural leadership abilities that have allowed her to be very efficient in affecting the lives of others in positive ways. I commend her to you, believing that her story of grace will inspire anyone who hears it.
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Submitted by Coosa Valley Youth Services Oxford Alabama on Tuesday, Aug 09, 2016
I heard Christie on the morning radio show on 93.7 WDJC. I am part of the Youth Jail Ministry program. We go to the Coosa Valley Youth Services where there are 3 facilities. There is the Lewis Center that houses all boys, Attention which is all girls and Detention which is boys and girls. I go to the Attention every week to hang out with the girls and try to encourage them someway. When I heard Christie on the radio I knew I needed her to come speak to the girls. They need HOPE, Christie is the perfect example of HOPE. The girls loved her! They ask when she can come back all the time. The boys and girls were locked in to Christie and listen to her story of hope.
I lived through attempting suicide in 2005 and survived a husband who committed suicide in 2012. I gently guide others in how to work through their feelings that both of these situations...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
I am a survivor of abortion which I had at a very young age. I can relate to others who have had the same experience. I lead them in how to heal from this part of their life and how...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
I am a survivor of Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse. From childhood, into my adulthood, again when you have been through this, you can really relate to others who have had the...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
How do you recover from going through a divorce, or maybe several divorces? I too have had these experiences in divorce and know how walking through this process is all too well. I...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
Boy, do I know this all too well. grief from divorce, grief from the death of my husband, children not speaking to you, or whatever type of grief you are dealing with. I will tell...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
Oh my, this is a subject that is huge in our world today. I too deal with depression and have since my childhood. Due to a lot of situations that were out of my control as a child,...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
Christie embraced what she calls her “sacred responsibility” to the Father in giving HOPE back to others. She invites everyone of all ages and stages of life to learn to...
I gently share my story of how I got out of being hopeless, to hopeful. I had to hit rock bottom, which was an attempted suicide. My whole life, I had made a mess of my life. I had...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 08/10/2019
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. By dialing 1-800-273-TALK (8255), the call is routed to the nearest crisis center in our national network of more than 150 crisis centers. The Lifeline’s national network of local crisis centers provides crisis counseling and mental health referrals day and night. No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll...
A true-life story of being Shattered and Broken, but by God's Grace, Forgiven and Whole. I do a blog called at Please email me with any subject you would like to talk about, send me your story, are you going through something you need advice on, please email me at follow my blog Doing life together. ...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 01/04/2018
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...
The Sav-A-Life Ministry Each year, 9000 women in Alabama believe that abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy. Sav-A-Life, Vestavia is the largest pregnancy care center in the Birmingham metropolitan area and is dedicated to putting an end to abortion, not by legal and public policy, but by supporting one woman at a time, to spare her and her child from abortion. We work to accomplish this goal by offering free and confidential...