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Posted by: Laura Acuña on 04/29/2017

Grace-full Parenting: Raising Your Children the Way God Parents You

Fathers {and mothers} , don’t over-correct your children or make it difficult for them to obey the commandments. Bring them up with Christian teaching in Christian discipline. - Ephesians 6:4

Displaying GraceFullParenting.jpgWhen it comes to parenting our children, we can easily become confused about God’s job and ours.  The truth is, His job is to fix and change and ours is to depend on Him as we nurture and encourage our families.  If we get this backwards, we can parent out of fear and slip into the false security of legalism.  When we spend all our energy trying to fix or transform our children away from their natural ‘bent’, the natural result is frustration, depression and an overall sense of hopelessness — in both the parent and the child!  In this message Laura will share the struggles she experienced raising her own three sons and point women to the ultimate parenting expert, example and grace giver - God!   This message will help Moms:

·         Recognize the differences between Fear-Full Parenting and Grace-Full Parenting

·         Discover the four attributes of Faith-Full parenting  

·         Gain insights in how to parent a child that is quirky or “walks to his own tune”

·         Identify areas in your own parenting where grace is not in place.

·         Break free from patterns of fear and establish a culture of grace, honesty and forgiveness inside your home.

**This message is given in one session and is suitable for MOPS groups but it is not limited to parents of pre-schoolers. The content is appropriate for moms of all stages.

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