After surviving the loss of their first son, Taylor and her husband were shocked to learn that their youngest baby was not expected to be born alive. The Pitcher Talk tells the story...
Memories play a role in moving us forward in our journey to healing. They can help us process our loss and even lend perspective. Discover how to remember God’s blessings and...
Sit down for a moment and just relax. Close your eyes and imagine you’re at an exclusive spa. But this spa is providing refreshment to your soul, inspiration for...
Without a Vision, people perish! The inspiration that vision creates becomes explosive, awakens you, and bids you come alive. Once awakened to what is possible for your life,...
Posted by Dawn Damon on 11/29/2023
You are not going crazy - but the world definitely is! Do we have a front-row seat to what Jesus said would come to pass? The end-time signs seem pretty clear:Lawlessness will increase,...
Posted by Kelly Thoreson on 11/03/2023
Ignite your faith as Israel comes alive to you anew. Explore the Holy Land's scenes and stories through this virtual journey. Your tour guide, Jennifer Sands, is an author, speaker...
Posted by Jennifer Sands on 08/25/2023
Janet teaches how to keep our passion alive, our confidence in God’s promise solid, and His provision as the guarantee of our security....
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/02/2023
The Master's Keys of Decrees52 Days of Decrees and Declarations for Youth (and Adults!) Why teach children to decree a thing? So, it will be established! Decrees restore what...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 03/10/2023
Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America ( Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 08/17/2022
Are you stuck?Are you wandering from one thing to another?Are you wondering what you were put on here on earth for?Welcome to Quit Wandering - 15 Strategies to Find and Fulfill Your...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 06/09/2022
Do you desire to live free of jealousy and insecurity? Free to celebrate with others when they succeed where you've failed, when others have what you long for, when...
My favorite phrase in the Bible is "but God." Those two little words change everything. We were dead in our sins, but God made us alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:1-7). Our...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 01/30/2022