Let's be real! I am more concerned with helping your heart heal, than how your flesh feels!Galatians 5:22-26 GNTD[22] But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
I am doing this very vulnerable post to help you ladies be vulnerable also, because that's where we find our healing, in being honest with ourselves where we are falling short...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Savior Syndrome:Having a strong desire to rescue others, by making their problems your problem. Trying to control other people's decisions by "counseling" them to do...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
What do we do when it feels like life is swallowing us whole? Just like Jonah and the big fish.It's time for some self reflection with the Holy Spirit! In what areas of our...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Melissa discusses how toxic thoughts affect all aspects of our lives. When we battle with intrusive negative thoughts, aka toxic thoughts, we usually battle low self-esteem and physical...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 08/10/2024
Does God work all things together for our good? How do we define what is good? Join Shelly as she shares her personal story of discovering God's goodness as He conformed her to...
Posted by Shelly Chandler on 08/09/2024
Did you know you were made in God's image? Did you know this is for His purposes and His Glory? The truth of how God designed humankind from the beginning has been lost in a world...
Posted by Shelly Chandler on 08/09/2024
I used to be a weary single mom wrestling with the instability of work and life. Determined to bring about positive transformation in my physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing,...
Posted by Sonja Christine on 08/07/2024
Are you experiencing heartache or difficulty in your life? Psalm 56:8 tells us that God collects our tears in a bottle and records every teardrop in His book. God cares about our pain,...
Posted by Melissa Main on 07/30/2024
Session 1: “Refresh Your Perspective: Changing Your Outlook”Romans 12:2 (ESV)“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that...
Ladies, the reality for women today is that the majority of the male population of this world - even in religious circles - has issues with the female population of the world. ...
Join Kathryn McAdam, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, for "From Frazzled to Fabulous," a fun and faith-filled journey to beat burnout and boost your health. Discover...