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Posted by: Ann Medina on 08/12/2024

What is your Goliath?

I am doing this very vulnerable post to help you ladies be vulnerable also, because that's where we find our healing, in being honest with ourselves where we are falling short of God's will for us. To be able to see things from His perspective! To be able to humbly acknowledge when we are believing a lie, to then reject those lies, to then replace the lies with God's truth!

 I have been battling depression lately. I have struggled with fear of rejection for a long time. I have been through a lot of trauma throughout my life. I have been hurt, abandoned and rejected by people who were supposed to protect me and take care of me. People who I needed love from did not know how to love me well. Hurting people, hurt people. 

I have been told awful lies about my character that are simply not true. I have felt attacked by family and friends because they misunderstand me. 

All because I was allowing the fear of rejection to control my thoughts and emotions. 

I have learned that even after getting delivered, we stay delivered by walking out our deliverance daily! By looking at ourselves in the mirror and telling ourselves who God says we are. This is a powerful way to take our thoughts captive and make them obey Christ! 

I did that today. It takes courage to look at yourself in the eyes and take responsibility for coming into agreement with the lies of the enemy. I repented for believing lies about my character. I repented for taking ownership of the lies others have spoken over me. I repented for making assumptions about others and believing lies about their intentions. 

I declared to myself "I curse the spirit of rejection and I accept the spirit of adoption." 

Ephesians 1:6 says we are fully accepted in the Beloved. 

In that moment the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me my identity. He said to me "You belong to the root of David. That is your lineage."  We know from Revelation 5:5 that reference is about Jesus. 

Which made me think of David and Goliath. He then said to me "Your fear of rejection is your Goliath."

Wow, oh wow! What a revelation! 

I then declared to myself, "I belong to the root of David and my Goliath has already been defeated. Thank you Jesus for giving me victory over my fear of rejection." 

At that moment I felt so free and so alive! Like my eyes had been opened for the first time, again, lol.  Free from the shackles of fearing I'm not accepted, freedom of fearing I'm not good enough, freedom of fearing I'm not being loved, freedom from fearing I'm not being seen or heard, freedom from fearing I'm not being wanted. 

Thank you Jesus for FREEDOM!!! 

So I ask you today, what is your Goliath? 

What are your giant lies? 

What lies are you allowing to control the conversation in your head? 

What lies have you taken ownership of and have become a part of your identity? 

What lies have a seat at the table of your heart? The table where only truth should be allowed to have a seat and feast.

Spend some Self-Reflection time, in the mirror, with the Holy Spirit today. I believe you too will find your freedom in who your Creator and Heavenly Father says you are! 

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