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Posted by: Ann Medina on 08/12/2024

Savior Syndrome

Savior Syndrome:

Having a strong desire to rescue others, by making their problems your problem. Trying to control other people's decisions by "counseling" them to do what you would do in their current circumstances. Instead, of helping them make wise decisions for themselves, by giving them truthful information, relative scripture and facts.

 Using other people's lives as a distraction from your own life.

When other's don't take your advice you get offended and create distance. You tell yourself that they don't respect you and are spiritually immature.

You forget the fact that they have a free will and that it's okay if they choose not to take your "counsel."

This is the spirit of pride rearing its ugly head.

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5). 

 If God resists the proud, then the proud man is out of fellowship with God. Any man, woman, or child who is out of fellowship with God will also be out of fellowship with other people.

Often, we are not trying to solve the problem—we are trying to win the argument. That is pride. You might be right and still be the problem because of your attitude.

“He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife” (Proverbs 28:25).

This is false authority in full swing: when someone gives you an inch in their life and you try to take a mile.

When someone asks you to pray for them, they are not giving you a license to mentor them. Read that again. 

Operating in Savior Syndrome is not  the same thing as operating in your authority in Jesus! 

The position of Savior for the entire world has already been filled and His name is Jesus Christ The Messiah! 

‭John 3:16-17 GNTD‬

[16] For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior.

Savior Syndrome is false authority from the enemy. Causing you to be obedient to your flesh and disobedient to the Holy Spirit. 

While your intentions are good your heart is not in the right place. Ask yourself what are my motives for helping this person? Who am I hoping will get all the glory, me or Jesus? 

‭Proverbs 16:18 NLT‬

[18] Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.

If you have trouble keeping good friends in your life, then you may be operating in Savior Syndrome. 

So how can I be set free from Savior Syndrome you ask. You can be free from allowing the spirit of pride to control you by repenting of operation in Savior Syndrome and fully submitting yourself to God's purpose for your life. 

‭‭James 4:7 GNTD‬

[7] So then, submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil, and he will run away from you. 

Declaration: I come out of agreement with the enemies plan for my life. I come into agreement with God's plan for my life. 

Prayer: I repent of the sin of pride. Thank you Father God for your mercy and grace in my life. Thank you for revealing to me this issue of Savior Syndrome I have been dealing with, unaware. Right now I humbly give up full control of my life and I give you Holy Spirit full control of my life. I resist the spirit of pride and it's controlling nature. I welcome a humble spirit to wash over me now by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus for renewing my mind with the truth and healing my heart so that my life can be a true reflection of your love.  

Chapter 4: Authority in Jesus 

I Identify In Jesus 

Don't let the devil ID You!

By Ann Medina

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