Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (ESV). We may think when we are suffering that God has abandoned us or is trying to "punish" us. But nothing could be further from the truth! God wants to develop important character traits in us, one of them being the beautiful gift of perseverance. If we're willing to open our hearts to what He has to teach us in our trials, we can better understand their value, experience peace in the midst of...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 06/29/2021
During this hour with Marnie and guest, Jill Richardson, you’ll discover Communication Strategies for Speakers including: • How to lock in the longevity and relevance of your ministry and messages. • Communication strategies for a sound bite world. • Interactive techniques that work with women. • How to narrow down your message to maximize your impact. • What to do when confusion, overwhelm or lack clarity define the day (or season). • Identifying and addressing the #1 cause of communication failure. Dr. Jill...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 06/14/2021
The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with you always because it's His promise to you and He is a good Father. These eight (8) ways will help you to live a fearless life. You can be fearless and brave when you put your hope and trust in God! Fear and anxiety can last for a short time and then pass, but they can also last much longer and you can get stuck with them. In some cases they can take over your life, affecting your ability to eat,...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 06/01/2021
Do you dream of life as an heir to a majestic empire but wake up to the nightmare of a tormented, broken, and desperate reality? Experiencing the magnificent, eternal Kingdom should be a daily routine. Yet when the soil of yesterday’s fray dulls life’s luster, we miss out on its hope and promise. Author Leah Fort knows this first hand. Traumatic events in her childhood wrapped her in a prison of fear, which she learned to cloak with the fools’ gold of achievement. An encounter with The King broke through the façade, shattered the veil of fear,...
Posted by Leah Fort on 04/07/2020
35 daily devotionals/7 week study on the Woman at the Well. The only world she knew was a world of broken promises, hidden agendas, and disappointments. Her heart was broken in pieces. Her struggle, though, wasn’t against memories. Her real adversary was the “enemy of her soul,” who had stolen from her, lied to her, and tried to destroy her life. He had to be overcome. The tables, though, were about to be turned. She was going to be changed from the inside out. By God’s gracious power, she would be given a purpose and stop being a victim. Instead, she was about to become...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019
Deb Copeland's book chronicles the life of a woman down on her luck at a young age who makes a fateful decision to turn her life around. Broken family, dying mother, drug addiction, broken marriage, and personal health problems are just a few of her hurdles. In spite of this all, she manages to turn her life around, build a successful business, a successful family, and a successful life. Ms. Copeland not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. She is an impressive motivational speaker and readers are fortunate that she has reduced her thoughts and strategies on self motivation to the pages...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 08/20/2019
Letting God See Me Naked written testimony of one woman that mirrors the unspoken testimony of many people. Karen, like so many others, has had a life full of events that caused her to live life hidden behind shame, embarrassment, and an unforgiving heart. In this book, she discloses the events and circumstances of her life and how these situations kept her from fulfilling her true purpose and destiny. Accomplished in business and in her personal life, Karen had an external look that tried to mask the internal turmoil she felt from the circumstances of life. ...
Posted by Karen Watson on 06/25/2019
In this full interview, Shana shares about her struggle with low self esteem caused by facial deformities and how Christ helped her overcome low self esteem. ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/24/2018
Even though we can’t choose the adversities that come against us, we can choose how we let them effect us. We choose to let them make us better or bitter. We can choose to heal, then use these adversities to teach us, help us grow, and let God use us them to help others. Brokenness Are you Broken? Elizabeth shares the story of her humble beginnings and the events in her early childhood that began her brokenness. How stress effects you, even pre-birth, and how she chose not to let the brokenness define her. The First Major Crack ...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 08/12/2018
In this six-week Bible study on the Book of Joshua, we will join God’s people as they arrive on the edge of the promised land only to find themselves in hostile territory, faced with fear and uncertainty. As we dig into the story of how Joshua and the Israelites claimed God’s promised victory, we’ll discover that winning the worry battle requires more than having faith; it requires learning to fight in faith! Following their bold, courageous footprints, we’ll learn how to fight in faith as we internalize God’s promises, draw strength from God’s faithfulness,...
Posted by Barb Roose on 01/30/2018
Many Christians do not have a full understanding of what it means to fight the good fight of faith. They try to live by faith but in the face of everyday trials and failures, they find themselves disillusioned and discouraged, wondering if they have done something wrong or if living by faith only works for others. The problem for most is simply a lack of understanding regarding what faith is and how it works. This book, inspired by the Book of Joshua, reviews three tools a person can develop to Fight In Faith: 1) embracing God’s promises, 2) courage and commitment under pressure and 3)...
Posted by Barb Roose on 01/30/2018
Are you struggling with depression, addictions, failed relationships? Come along with Forshia Ross in this continuation of No Secondhand Rose as she searches for her promised land. In The Wilderness Shall Blossom like the Rose, Forshia reveals flashbacks from her trauma to set the stage for personal encounters with God that gave her direction. She parallels her journey with the story of the Israelites' rebellion in the wilderness as they are led to the Promised Land. She weaves their story with hers in order to illustrate what needs to happen in our lives for us to reach our promised land....
Posted by Forshia Ross on 07/28/2017