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Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019

Gushing Springrs

35 daily devotionals/7 week study on the Woman at the Well. The only world she knew was a world of broken promises, hidden agendas, and disappointments. Her heart was broken in pieces. Her struggle, though, wasn’t against memories. Her real adversary was the “enemy of her soul,” who had stolen from her, lied to her, and tried to destroy her life. He had to be overcome. The tables, though, were about to be turned. She was going to be changed from the inside out. By God’s gracious power, she would be given a purpose and stop being a victim. Instead, she was about to become restored and victorious!

As she approached the well, she was subtly interrupted. A stranger with a kind face asked her, “Ma’am, excuse me. Could you give me a drink please?” This is how our story begins. It will continue through the winding and turning of conversation, with abrupt detours in dialogue that will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat!

Gushing Springrs


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