Life is messy sometimes! And under the weight of things, we may be tempted to believe we are too messy or too broken to be close to God - or to be used by Him. The truth is God...
Posted by Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024
The speech I'll be delivering, titled "Where is God in the Brokenness," is a deeply personal exploration of my journey through one of the darkest moments of my life—the...
Posted by Michelle Bader Ebersole on 09/03/2024
Why do we neglect our brokenness? We may deny having brokenness, we may despise it, or maybe we view it as a deficiency. What if we allowed our brokenness to be a blessing?...
Posted by Staci Pealock on 06/18/2024
Tea for You: Created to Serve is a creative, humorous, and inspirational presentation. Dawn shares a story about a teapot that does not want to share the tea the Potter...
Posted by Dawn Stephens on 06/10/2024
Do you ever find yourself riddled with hurt – in your everyday life? From those you work with, those in your family or sadly within the church walls. We attend service faithfully,...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
Life hits hard, fast and out of control - like a freight train to a brick wall. All you can focus on is breathe... repeat. Find your next step... FOUR PART RETREAT. This...
Many women have incredible dreams, God ideas that they hope to see come true. But they DON'T have a strategic plan or blueprint on how to achieve those goals. In this delightful...
Posted by Dawn Damon on 11/30/2023
Ps. 37:4 shares: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” (NLT) The ERV Bible says, “Give the Lord a chance...
No one expects that beauty could come from ashes, but God knows this is possible because that's exactly what He can do. He's the only One who can!Shana thoroughly desires to...
Come hear Sharon's powerful testimony about letting go of a painful past. Discover the questions God asked her, and is asking you, that will pull you out of any pit. Step into...
What's a HOLY ACHE? Find the WHY that makes you cry and the THING that makes you SING during this INTERACTIVE message that will unearth your PURPOSE amid life's ashes. Linette...
Telling our stories can feel deeply personal and even downright scary. The thought of reliving any painful or traumatic experiences can be emotionally taxing, to say nothing of exposing...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 12/19/2022