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Posted by: Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024

Your Mess is Your Message

Life is messy sometimes! And under the weight of things, we may be tempted to believe we are too messy or too broken to be close to God - or to be used by Him. 

The truth is God uses broken things all the time, and trusting Him with our whole story leads us into partnership with Him. Perspective changes everything - so what if we begin to see our struggles and the pain points in our lives as purposeful tools to help point others to Jesus?

Is. 43:19, “See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (NIV)

This deeply personal and meaningful talk can be offered as a stand-alone or broken down into several talks over a day-long event or a weekend conference.

  1. We Are Beautifully Broken - Some blessings are not wrapped in pretty packages - but still, God knows best. And He promises you can trust Him - even when things hurt. Even when things are hard. Nicole shares her personal experience with marital rejection and betrayal - and how God uses the valleys and brokenness to build intimacy with His children and dependency on Him. 

  2. Declaring Beauty for Ashes - We all have them - ashes. The disappointments, let downs and pain points that seek to hold us hostage to our past. But God is in the business of bringing beauty from ashes. He asks us to choose - wave the flag of victim, or the flag of victor. And when we lift up that victory flag, we choose beauty. We choose to stand with Him in His restoration process. Discover how to turn all the hurts over to Jesus, and embrace the beautiful life of redemption and restoration He has for us. 

  3. You Are the Right Woman for the Job - Your story is unique. Every one of us has a unique story and God-given purpose. Your life experiences, combined with your passions, skills, and expertise make you the perfect candidate for the role God has for you. The good, the bad, and the ugly bits that you’d rather forget about are all part of a puzzle pointing you in the direction of your calling. Nicole outlines the 4 step process for understanding your God given purpose and moving forward in confident faith.

  4. Our Job is to Help Make Jesus Famous - Our purpose is to promote Jesus. In all we do, and all we say, our lives are to reflect Him, and direct others to Him. But what happens when we feel ill-equipped, defeated, or too broken to be of service? Learn to find your footing in your calling. This life-giving message encourages and inspires women to stand in the service of the King, and see their lives through the lens of this calling.

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