Learn to raise your Shield of Faith and conquer fear and anxiety! This dynamic teaching, featuring powerful props and practical solutions, equips you to stand firm in God’s peace,...
In a world where cultural norms are ever-changing and often in direct opposition to God's truth, how do we stand firm and thrive? "Called to Be Different" is a powerful...
Discover the life-changing power of being “Hidden in Christ”! Through dynamic props and practical insights, this teaching reveals how to exchange self-reliance for God’s...
It's a hot topic these days. We're all talking about having better boundaries. But what exactly does that mean?And why are they an essential part of wellness and healthy relationships?...
Are you ready to find your calling once and for all? Your calling is the sweet spot where your passions, gifts, and skills overlap. As you begin to live out your calling, you'll...
Have you ever thought about what makes you, you? Sure, people have plaques and posters up of "who God says I am", but does that really help - deep down to change things inside?...
Posted by Kristi Laskie on 12/19/2024
Drink freely and nourish your spirit with Christ's Living Water Step away from the demands of daily living and immerse yourself in the wellspring of Christ's Living Waters...
Empowering women with simple tactics to escape overwhelm, understand what drives them, prioritize what matters, and experience the peace, joy, and freedom they deeply crave.=====Health...
Posted by Erin Moore on 12/14/2024
Waiting is one of the most difficult disciplines we have to learn. When we get impatient and tired of waiting, we may decide to take matters into our own hands. That is not a good...
We cannot judge the worth or value of something or someone by outward appearances alone. We only see an outward "cover," but we cannot see inside another's "book."...
Come be filled with the wonder of God's love this Christmas! Every hero has an origin story, and so do you and here's the surprise--it happened long before your parents were...
Discover the Joy of True Connection with God. Are you exhausted from trying to measure up to religious expectations, striving to be the “perfect Christian,”...