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Posted by: Kathleen Johnson on 12/31/2024


Discover the life-changing power of being “Hidden in Christ”! Through dynamic props and practical insights, this teaching reveals how to exchange self-reliance for God’s protection, presence, and perfect peace.

“For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3

In a world that often celebrates self-reliance, one of the most transformative realizations we can embrace is that true strength, peace, and purpose come from being fully reliant on God. This teaching invites your audience to explore the profound truth of being "Hidden in Christ" and how that empowers us to live in the fullness of God's love and power.
Drawing from Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:16-19, this session covers:

  • The significance of God’s power working in and through us.
  • Why self-reliance can be a burden rather than a blessing.
  • Understanding the significance of “Christ in us, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).
  • Practical steps to live a life filled with the fullness of God.
  • What it truly means to be “hidden with Christ in God.”
  • What sets this teaching apart is the use of dynamic props and graphics, including a compelling visual aid—foam-core cutouts depicting a silhouette of a woman who is  protected by Christ (or stepping out to be her own boss). This prop powerfully illustrates how we can choose self-reliance or be "hidden" within Christ’s protection and love.

Experience this in action! Watch a brief segment of this teaching on YouTube to catch a glimpse of how visual aids, combined with heartfelt teaching, make spiritual truths come alive: Watch Here.

Takeaway: Discover how yielding to God’s Spirit allows us to experience His POWER, PRESENCE, PROVISION, PROTECTION, PERMANENCE, and PEACE like never before.

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