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Posted by: Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024

Healthy Boundaries and the Gift of Saying No

It's a hot topic these days. We're all talking about having better boundaries. But what exactly does that mean?And why are they an essential part of wellness and healthy relationships?

And why do we women struggle so much with implementing and upholding boundaries in our lives?

Setting boundaries is daunting for some and downright terrifying for others. And yet Jesus was a man of very strong boundaries, and He modelled assertive communication throughout His ministry. Skill development in this area improves mental health, relationship quality, and overall wellness.

Women will enjoy the personal touches of this material, time to reflect, develop and practice boundaries. 

The format of these messages integrates therapeutic strategies with biblical principles and invites participants to engage actively in their own process of boundary development. 

Each of these can work as a stand-alone presentation or be part of a weekend conference.

Boundaries 101 - There are few things more important in our relationships and in our lives than boundaries. Nicole walks participants through the ABC’s of boundaries, and invites you to begin to understand this interpersonal skill through a new lens. This is an interactive, skills based message inviting women to understand the boundaries they already have, develop new ones as needed, and feel encouraged to use boundaries as a means of self care, relationship strengthening, and honouring God. 

Be an Expert at the 5 Types of Boundaries - This deeper exploration helps participants understand all the areas in our lives that require boundaries. We look to Jesus as our example and incorporate scripture to support and affirm the changes we’re making along the way. This energetic and informative session is exciting for participants as they feel encouraged to make changes and strengthen boundaries. 

Boundaries for the People-Pleaser - We like being liked. And sometimes, our desire to be liked causes us to say yes to things we know we need to say no to. The boundary of saying no can be a challenge. For many women, saying no is scary - and the fear of judgment, letting people down, or ruining our image can have us yessing our way into things not meant for us. Nicole addresses these fears directly and uses scripture, the life of Jesus, and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy strategies to help participants feel empowered to step away from people-pleasing and towards a more balanced, healthy life.

Assertive Communication for Women - Boundaries are a key function of assertive communication. As women, we tend to lean towards passive or even passive-aggressive communication - and then feel resentful and hurt because we have been taken advantage of, mistreated, or overlooked. Jesus was an assertive communicator. He said what He meant in a direct, respectful manner. He clearly articulated Himself, and He wasn’t afraid to ask for what He needed, say no when He had to, and stand up for what He believed in. But delivery counts. This fun and entertaining message helps women build on the example of Jesus’s communication style, to enjoy healthier, happier relationships.

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