In your interaction with fellow believers, how often have you asked yourself, is this what Christ-centeredness looks like? Why are so many of the faithful so miserable and unproductive?...
Posted by Gloria Crawford Henderson on 11/13/2022
Most of us have an instinctive understanding of what gratitude is, but it can be surprisingly difficult to define. The many life-altering manifestations of gratitude can profoundly...
Do you know someone who has struggled with or is struggling with the question of our purpose in this world? What does God have to do with establishing meaning for human life? In this...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/26/2022
Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America ( Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 08/17/2022
Have you ever felt as if you were hanging by a thread? Me too! There's a phrase "when you're hanging by a thread, make sure it is the hem of His garment." Tune in...
Posted by April Dawn White, Pharm.D. on 06/30/2022
Ladies! Come, relax, giggle, and full-on laugh with us as we enjoy an evening of fun together! Experience the stories, skits, inspirational goofiness, and joyful fun of comedian, Karen...
Posted by Karen McCracken on 06/02/2022
Did you know Goliath had four brothers? I think that's why David picked up 5 stones when he only needed one. He thought he might have to fight the four brothers that day. It...
Posted by Karen Porter on 12/27/2021
Unity is one of those Bible words that sounds good, but can be difficult to put into action. Using Philippians 2:2-5 as a template, we'll discuss the biblical meaning of unity...
Posted by Nancy Jo Wilson on 10/17/2021
Serious, well-meaning Christians attend "church" for years without seeing victory in their lives. When we renew our minds and focus on the blood of Jesus, His sacrifice,...
Christmas is a joyous time but can be a stressful time. Doris helps women find JOY in simplicity, JOY in the season they are in, and JOY in the meaning of it all. The truth is, Jesus...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/05/2020
When disaster strikes, it is good to be ready. Jesus was constantly telling us be ready! This teaching will give women tools that will help them not only arise, but arise restored!...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 04/01/2020
The perfect, fun yet meaningful, presentation for your Thanksgiving/Christmas season event with a real, honest look at why we do what we do during the holiday season and how to slow...
Posted by Marlene Lawson on 02/23/2020