When my husband took his last breath, it felt as though my hope, love, and joy, also dissipated into thin air like a whiff of smoke. Although I was alive and breathing, time seemed...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 08/24/2018
Depending on the audience, this topic encourages women of all ages and marital statuses to look to the Lord for answers and encouragement in their present lives. For young never-marrieds,...
Do you ever feel like you and your husband greet each other at life's revolving door? Are parenting, jobs, and other priorities pushing your marriage relationship to the bottom...
Posted by Tammy Kennington on 01/01/2018
Steve and Rhonda Stoppe have been married since 1981. Their fun and practical messages are what make the No Regrets Marriage Conference so powerful and unique. Rhonda and Steve...
Is your marriage a smoldering fire?Simple solutions to an everyday rut in your marriage. A self help guide along with other helpful information to bring you back to the love and dating...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/29/2017
TARGET AUDIENCE: Women Ages: teens, young adults, mature womenRoles: Singles, Married, and Divorced(Can be catered to a targeted audience)POSSIBLE FORMATS: Workshops, seminars,...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/29/2017
Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 07/18/2017
I have been married for 36 years! I love speaking about marriage and how God has refined me through the years through my relationship with my husband. For sure their have been ups...
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...
Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...
What do you think of when you hear the words single mom? Be honest do you think of a woman on public assistance, in need of a hand out? Many people do well I want to educate you Single...
For years I avoided reading Proverbs 31. I felt like I could never hold a candle to the perfect woman described in that chapter. God however thought different. While doing a...
Posted by Kim Chaffin on 04/06/2016