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Posted by: Kim Chaffin on 04/06/2016

In God's eyes I am...

For years I avoided reading Proverbs 31. I felt like I could never hold a candle to the perfect woman described in that chapter.  God however thought different. While doing a study on who I am in Christ, God brought me to Proverbs 31. My study would become a article for Living Better 50 magazine and talk given at a women's breakfast. In this talk I took a look at the woman in Proverbs 31. It started out as light hearted and funny but ended with how easily we can become hung up in comparing ourselves to other women.  In God's eyes helps us to see who we are in the sight of God.  

For years I have felt inferior to the woman written about in Proverbs 31. If I could get a show of hands, I wonder how many other women would feel the same way.  At times, I am a train wreck in the kitchen.  I burn things; I add the wrong ingredient – only some of the time.  If you read my Thanksgiving post you heard about the turkey that was steamed, baked, and set on the barbecue before it made it to the table. Just last week I had a pair of my undies stuck to a dishtowel from static cling.  Thankfully my grown son who was helping clean the kitchen did not see the undies in the towel he was holding.  The woman described in Proverbs 31 would never have her unmentionables in the kitchen!

It doesn't matter if you are a stay at home mom, a carrier woman, a single woman waiting for the right man,  married or divorced...

God loves you and you are worth more than rubies.  You were bought with a price and it is the blood of Christ. You belong to the Body of Christ and you matter.  You, my sister, are fearfully and wonderfully created and if you struggle with seeing yourself as God sees you, I hope you press into the Word of God and find God’s truth for your life.

I truly believe that God looks at the heart of each woman.  He is not comparing us to one another based on who has the best meal, the cleanest house, and who is can serve the best in church.  As women we can so easily fall into a trap of comparing our self with others and not seeing what God sees in us.  

God looks at your heart not the dinner you put on the table.  He would rather have you serve a PB and J sandwich made from a heart of love than a gourmet dinner made from a place of bitterness or obligation.  My hope is that you will see who you are in God and never compare yourself to someone else like I did.

Some of what I talked about was taken from an article that I wrote for Living Better 50 magazine

This talk was given in November of 2015 in Moses Lake Washington (Moses Lake Christian Church)  for a women's brunch and below is some feed back I received. 

Kim spoke at a Women’s Brunch at our church this fall. The Lord used her words to encourage women from all walks of life. She is an engaging speaker who drew laughter and tears as she navigated the Lord’s call on the lives of women seeking to follow Him daily. Her passion for the Lord and heart for others was evident and compelling as she shared her journey with us and encouraged each of us to seek the Lord and find who we are in Him. It was a blessing to the women of our church to share the morning with her.
~Heidi Harris
Women’s Ministry Team
Moses Lake Christian Church

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