Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45
Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying “Yes” to God, details the stories of three women from the Christmas story: Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna. These women — one young, one middle-aged and one at the end of her life, teach us how to say yes to God’s plan for our lives and remain faithful as the plan unfolds – even if it takes longer than expected. Through Elizabeth, Mary and Anna’s stories women will understand that waiting time does not have to be wasted time. Ladies of all ages will see that God’s plans for them are not limited by:
Their age
Their marital status
Their past
Their present circumstances OR by what others say or think about them.
All three women – one engaged, one married and one widowed, right smack in the stage of life they were in, said yes to God and went on a beautiful adventure. Women will be uplifted and encouraged as they enter the Christmas season!
** This message is given in one session and is perfect for Christmas brunches, teas and evening events.