It's so easy to let God's love be up for debate with how life is going. We let circumstances decide us instead of being decided by Jesus. Being rooted deeply in Christ's...
Stop the self-sabotage, learn your true identity in Christ and step into your divine destiny using these three proven strategies to break free from self-doubt and cultivate...
Life hits hard, fast and out of control - like a freight train to a brick wall. All you can focus on is breathe... repeat. Find your next step... FOUR PART RETREAT. This...
Feeling burned out? Elijah experienced a textbook case of depression resulting from life and ministry exhaustion. Come discover God's response and the path to healing that is still...
Posted by Susan Howell on 03/09/2024
Michele speaks how she went from hopelessness to happiness after feeling the ultimate hopelessness when she witnessed 3 of her 4 children almost die right before her own eyes....
Posted by Michele Wilson on 02/24/2024
When my husband left his place as the head priest of our home, I felt his covering leave. I questioned God about the legacy being left for my teenage children, and their children....
We are given no choice as to whether or not we should have trials; probably God could not trust us to choose what is good for us! We cannot decide whether to have them; we can only...
Christian women often mistake true, biological problems for our own moral failings. The struggle to rise above the hormonal rollercoaster and mental health challenges to exhibit...
Posted by Taylor Arthur on 02/06/2024
Imagine learning how to identify and handle the barriers that have kept you in a place of unforgiveness, hurt, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, etc. This...
PEPPI’S hilarious comedy show brings great fun to women across the nation. And no worries for you, the booker; she’s pastor AND Mama approved! Whether one session...
Have you experienced the messy ruins of life? Maybe it was grief, trauma, shame, a job loss, an illness, an injury, depression, finances, betrayal, addiction, watching our kids suffer,...
Sometimes life can throw us some pretty serious curve balls and we can end up losing sight of who we are. We lose our joy, our purpose, and hope. The things we walk through change...
Posted by Jan Balzer on 09/02/2023