Fears and doubts were consuming me, I was trying to handle them in my own strength. While praying one morning , I heard His invitation, “Come, step into my presence.”...
Posted by Gwendolyn Craddock on 07/08/2024
Have you ever been stuck in snow, or mud when you were driving a car? What happened? How did you get unstuck?We might find ourselves in that space of "feeling stuck". Stuck...
Posted by Cheryl Hines on 06/29/2024
We all struggle with clutter. Our schedules, closets and habits get the best of us when we don't prioritize. The more clutter, the less ability we have to concentrate and make...
Posted by Jarm Del Boccio on 06/04/2024
Effective communication is crucial for building strong relationships, with your spouse, children, at work, in the business world and within the church. "Effective Communication:...
We often use the phrase "Follow after Jesus," in our Christian circles. But what does "following" actually look like? How does it translate from the first century...
Explore the writing life: the good, the fun, the hilarious, and the sobering adventures of writing and publishing in today's world.DiAnn Mills - Writer/Speaker - diannmills.com...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 03/07/2024
Do you ever feel like life's challenges hold you back from experiencing God's fullness? We all have baggage – past hurts, worries, or habits – that keep us stuck....
Posted by Mary Kay Isaacs on 12/12/2023
Ps. 37:4 shares: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” (NLT) The ERV Bible says, “Give the Lord a chance...
Based on her evangelistic, 2023, new-release book, Spiritual Growth: Find the Courage and Clarity to Live Authentic and Free, this program helps women discover how to share a saving...
Life SolutionsBiblical and practical solutions for life’s most common problems like fear, anxiety, anger, forgiveness and communication. Giving you a foundation of how habits...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 01/31/2023
Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics"...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
Our true identity is more than what we do. Our actions founded on our values become an expression of our true identity. Discover the deeper things of you and reconnect with what matters...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 10/08/2022