Christian Speaker
Saint Petersburg Florida 33705
Breathe the air of prayer as God's flow through vessel.
Position | Christian Woman Speaker |
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Saint Petersburg, FL 33705
United States of America |
Marnie Swedberg is an author, radio talk show host, and speaker whose riveting, perspective transforming stories and analogies generate "aha" moments while skyrocketing your delight in life. Come sit on Daddy's lap and experience Jesus!
Marnie Swedberg is an international leadership mentor, the author of 14 books, host of her own radio talk show and summit series, a media expert, and keynote speaker for organizations around the world.
Fun and fast-paced, yet peaceful and approachable, her history includes fires, floods, a tornado, car wrecks, business set-backs, a burglary, lightning strike, ambulance rides and more. She models come-back behavior, possibility thinking, and profound faith.
As the webhostess of, the largest online directory of Christian Women Speakers in the world, she connects event planners with speakers from every experience level, fee range, and denomination.
As a public speaker, she has presented for large corporations including Honeywell, Prudential, and Pillsbury; for non-profit groups including Chambers of Commerce, Professional Women’s groups, colleges and libraries. and for Christian women’s retreats, conferences, and other programs around the world. In October of 2019, she spoke at six conferences in four countries on two continents, circumnavigating the globe.
As a media personality, she hosts a #1 ranked and featured Blog Talk Radio talk show plus has appeared on hundreds of TV and radio shows, and is frequently interviewed for newspaper, magazine, and blog articles.
Marnie joins us today from St. Petersburg, Florida where she lives on little island with her husband, Dave, of 36 years.
Learn more at
#godlywomen #womenworldwide #womenreachingwomen #christianwomenconferences #MarnieSwedberg #perspective transformation #ahamoments
Submitted by Anchor Christian Church, Bonita Springs, FL on Wednesday, Feb 05, 2025
We recently were blessed to have Marnie as our speaker for this year's (2025) Women's Retreat @ our Church. From the beginning of the morning until the end of the day, Marnie brought wisdom, inspiration, Bible based teaching and interactive learning to our retreat. She was captivating through her words, interactions and creative style of delivery. She had a way of grasping our attention initially and leaving us thirsting for more by the end. Through her examples, behavior and humility, one could easily see that she is delivering her words through the Holy Spirit and allowing God to direct her path. What a joyful retreat we experiencedas we explored The Gift of the Present our theme for this years retreat.
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Submitted by Water Through The Word on Monday, Aug 12, 2024
There is no one I can think of better equipped to keynote than Marnie Swedberg. With her extraordinary wisdom, experience, education, and expert authority in so many diverse areas and specialties, Marnie has become highly regarded as a trusted voice among women. But what sets Marnie apart from the rest in her field is her genuine humility. Whether we listen to her on the radio, television, online, or from a stage, Marnie makes things come alive and includes us in the process. I've experienced how she captivates her audiences with instructive clarity, then brings the point home with inspiring stories and side-splitting humor. Everyone walks away from Marnie's sessions filled with a renewed strength of purpose. Yes, it goes without saying, they chose the best to keynote this event!
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Submitted by Anastasia Church on Monday, May 01, 2023
Marnie spoke at our Women's Prayer Gathering this last March,2023. She was awesome and very supportive of our women's ministry team and at our event she took the time to spend with every woman that spoke to her. She related to the women right where they where... Loves the Lord and it shine through her beautiful smile.
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Submitted by Faith & Gather Podcast on Friday, Feb 03, 2023
Marnie's interview is one of my all-time favorites. I don't often listen to episodes other than preparing assets, but I plan to listen to it again as just Erica, not Erica from Faith & Gather. Also, my friend messaged me yesterday halfway through listening to the episode, telling me how much she loved Marnie and her insights. Marnie has a gift and I am so thankful she shared it with me and the women of Faith and Gather. ❤ Erica
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Submitted by SOAR Women's on Monday, Feb 14, 2022
Marnie was our first post-COVID women's event speaker and she knocked it out of the park. Our ladies were hungry for fun and fellowship and she dished it up in spades. Her presentation was engaging and inspirational - full of stories and analogies to keep everyone's attention. Then she had the women separate into more intimate groups for discussion (appropriately structured/social distanced for safety). She personally participated in several of the small groups to drive the lessons deeper. Would have been a great event pre-COVID, but as our re-entry event it was a smashing success.
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Submitted by New Life Church on Wednesday, Aug 04, 2021
Marnie has a God-given talent for speaking the deep truths of the Bible in a practical and understandable way. She spoke at our Women's Retreat and went above and beyond our expectations... a joy to work with!
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Submitted by Rhonda Stoppe on Saturday, Mar 13, 2021
Marnie is an inspiration to listeners all over the world. She is joyfully entertaining. Her message is powerful. Her zeal is contagious and her love for her audience shines through as she speaks. Marnie has an incredible ability to unfold encouragement and truth from Scripture in a way that leaves listeners transformed, challenged and equipped to pursue Jesus' plan for their lives.
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Submitted by Fresh Start 2020 Women's Conference on Monday, Jan 20, 2020
Marnie is truly a fresh breath of God's inspiration for any audience. She provides professional empowerment for training leaders, and personal encouragement and equipping for all people. She is practical, real and relevant. She was our Oregon Fresh Start 2020 Keynote Speaker and I keep hearing more and more positive reports! We were all blessed with Marnie's messages of God's transforming grace.
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Submitted by American Lutheran Church Women on Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019
Wow, Marnie is one amazing, spirit filled, can-do attitude, flexible, pleasant, happy, dynamic, organized, efficient, gifted, talented, sincere Christian woman! She just spoke at the 20th annual Summer Salad Supper our women's group at church hosts for all women in our surrounding Long Prairie area. We LOVE having all the Christian women in our area enjoy yummy summer salads together and be inspired by an engaging speaker. It was such a great & fun evening. I was so excited to have Marnie since I've used the speaker site she created for many years and have appreciated all the excellent speakers I've gotten from the site. The title of her talk was "When Life Gives You Lemons, Throw Them Back and Ask for Chocolate!" She had a great message and it was fun to decorate for & we enjoyed using her original song "Flow Through Me" to end the evening . She quickly responds to e-mails or phone calls during our planning time. She does not disappoint.
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Submitted by Woodland Bible Church on Wednesday, Feb 20, 2019
Many words come to mind when I think of Marnie Swedberg. Talented, compassionate, spirit-led, resourceful, prayerful, and humble are just a few. She is sensitive to spiritual truth and eager to share and use her God given talents and gifts. She displays a very humble attitude and seeks to honor God with her whole life. I have listened to her speak to groups with warmth, humor and sensitivity to God's leading. She has used her musical gifts to inspire and encourage others. She is a committed Christian, wife, mother, and businesswoman. I heartily recommend her. Her life and testimony are a delight to all who know her.
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Submitted by Northwest Regional Library on Monday, Dec 03, 2018
When my speaker for a series of e-Publishing workshops cancelled, Marnie came to the rescue. She agreed to speak at seven library locations. She’s the most versatile person I’ve met and no project is too large for her to tackle. She brings more than you ever envisioned to the product, giving you a level of excellence that goes way beyond your original expectations. She only delivers quality. There’s no one else out there like her.
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Submitted by Bible Chicks on Tuesday, Nov 27, 2018
Marnie was on my show and rocked the house!
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Submitted by Communication With Class on Tuesday, Jun 26, 2018
Working in the communication field, it is my job to identify top communicators, Marnie is one of them.
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Stop trying harder and start trusting more! Using analogies from everyday life, Marnie helps us understand exactly how to embrace possibility thinking, move beyond drama, trauma and...
Only 3% of Americans say they "feel close to God." It's one thing to know about God's love for you. It's a whole new world when we feel loved by God. Based...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/17/2023
You are super-charged with electricity by God's design. Positive and negative charges affect you all day every day, just like your energy is affecting those around you. Discover...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 04/19/2017
Based on her evangelistic, 2023, new-release book, Spiritual Growth: Find the Courage and Clarity to Live Authentic and Free, this program helps women discover how to share a saving...
Forget your lists of things to do, places to go, and rules to follow - no more would-a, could-a, should-a! Instead, as the author of Feeling Loved: Connecting with God in the Minutes...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 10/28/2015
If you're ready to experience exponential joy, delight and growth in your life, work and relationships, understanding how to tap into God's creative mind is paramount, because...
Even a baby has power, but God created you to be eternally powerful for His glory. Discover how to think about your options, and how they'll affect your eternity, as you journey...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 08/02/2019
B.U.S.Y? Learn the Best Unique Strategies for You! Enjoy the beautiful, balanced, abundant life God offers. Learn why your life often feels imbalanced, how to analyze and reset it...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 01/31/2016
Having survived fires, floods, a tornado, sinking boat, burglary, lightning strike, cancer in the family, sudden death in the family, head injury in the family, business set backs...
What do top achievers do differently from the average JoAnn? A lot! During this presentation you'll learn the A, B, C's of the super-busy and how to maximize your minutes....
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 10/28/2015
I am so blessed to be a mentor to over 13,000 super busy leaders from 30 countries, training, coaching and speaking on topics related to the 12 life zones you see at the top of this...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 10/28/2015
Stop the holiday madness! Discover exactly how to reduce your spending, increase your joy, and keep the focus of the season on its reason: Jesus! Marnie shares practical and relationship-building...
“I love this book! I love how it gives readers permission to release any pressure to be ‘right.’ It frees us to enjoy the journey of learning and discovering!” Laura Diehl, Author, Co-Owner of GPS Growth Vision Experience this new self help book with the included workbook for men and women, providing perspective transformation and spiritual growth based on freedom, authenticity, and love. Experience “aha” breakthroughs as you: Tackle the topics of time, money and love through a spiritual lens that validates your authentic self.Compare religions without...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/18/2023
Garbage in, garbage out. Oxygen in, carbon dioxide out. Thoughts in, beliefs lived out. All this and more is happening without your conscious awareness, and it's affecting your life. How would you like to have God flow His goodness through you instead of being an unwitting recipient of everyone else's junk? It's possible, and it's available to you! In FLOW THROUGH VESSEL, Marnie Swedberg shares stories, analogies, practical applications, and quizzes to challenge your preconceived ideas about God and His plan for your life. You'll emerge equipped to live supernaturally, empowered...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/18/2023
See Your Book on Amazon ASAP! Even the busiest people can find time to get their books published. Marnie models how in this 100 page, instant downloadable, 2-hour read. Now you, too, can see the eBook version of your manuscript or book idea on Amazon in as little as 14 days. Details. This is a PDF eBook, plus a bonus, 30 minute MP3 training with downloadable notes and contact information for Marnie's personal formatter, artist, editor, etc. ...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 02/29/2016
Marnie speaks nationally and internationally on dozens of topics related to perspective transformation, leadership and Biblical life principles. Download her MENU OF TOPICS HERE: ...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 08/06/2019
Discover your personal vision and mission statements during this two-hour training boot camp with Marnie. Some of the benefits include: Serves as a road mapEnables proper preparationProvides structure and boundariesEstablishes performance measuresEmpowers wise decision-makingGenerates targeted goalsRaises the level of commitment to goalsFocuses energy and investmentsProvides meaning for today’s effortsOffers peace when a “no” answer is requiredLearning, growth and perpetual improvement Take the training anytime you have time. Register here:
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 03/01/2016
This is the daily planning template Marnie has used for years to manage small to mega projects with ease. Instructions are included. Downloads as an editable .xls file to your computer. ...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 12/07/2015