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Posted by: Cheryl Hines on 06/29/2024

"Breaking Free: How to Overcome Habitual Ruts and Thrive"

Have you ever been stuck in snow, or mud when you were driving a car? What happened? How did you get unstuck?

We might find ourselves in that space of "feeling stuck". Stuck with a career, with family, even with our relationship with Jesus. The big question is, how do we get unstuck? I have found from my own experiences that we have to evaluate where we are, why do we feel stuck, and then seek God, in the space. What I know to be truth, is that God meets us right where we are. He's not surprised by that feeling, thought, or space that we're stuck in. David, felt stuck, stuck in his sin. He felt shame and was broken before the Lord. When we look at David and his example, his response was to run to the Lord. He repented and turned his face toward Jesus. Our space of being stuck isn't necessarily from sin but can just be from where we are in life. As we turn our face to Jesus, He will help us to get unstuck, and point us towards truth, His truth. 

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