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Posted by: Meg Elizabeth Brown on 04/17/2024

Becoming Like Jesus

We often use the phrase "Follow after Jesus," in our Christian circles. But what does "following" actually look like? How does it translate from the first century to the 21st century? We must first understand what it means to be created in God's image. If we don't fully grasp this concept, how we view Jesus will be slightly off. Jesus came to earth to show us exactly what it means to be a perfected image of God. If we study the Good News that He preached, His lifestyle, and His customs, we will learn more easily how to follow Jesus.

Session 1: Like God

Understanding the full picture of what it means to be created in the Image of God is extremely powerful as how it relates to our femininity. It can give us, as women, a different view of who we were created to be.

In this section, Meg will explain how we were created in God's image, to work/worship/serve, and to rule and subdue creation. Further, how does this translate to how we live it out today?

Session 2: Like New

The Gospel is supposed to bring life change for all of us. With an upside Kingdom and a King who sacrifices Himself...and resurrects.... who wouldn't change? But we must learn how to respond to the Good News daily. And according to what Jesus preached, this looks like repentance, trusting, and following Him.

Session 3: Like Jesus

His Lifestyle: How did Jesus live? It looks a lot different from those of us who live in the Western world. We'll take off our Western glasses and deeply dive into how Jesus would have lived and what priorities He would have had as a Jewish man in the first century.

His Teachings: Jesus preached repeatedly about the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. But what does this mean? What does Kingdom life look like?

His Customs: In Luke 10, Jesus went home to Nazareth and went to the synagogue to read aloud the Scriptures "as was His custom." What other habits and customs did Jesus follow?

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