Have you ever been through a storm? God can calm storms. Other times, He allows struggles to strengthen our faith. Discover that with God, you can overcome any storm! ****Have...
Dr. Atasha Jordan is a board-certified psychiatrist and Christian thought leader who uniquely combines medical expertise with faith-based principles. Her approach empowers Christian...
Posted by Atasha Jordan on 10/23/2024
You're too fabulous for your neurons to hold grudges.---Five Ways to give UNFORGIVENESS the boot without giving your heart a black eye.-1) Who's driving the car? Galations...
Posted by Linda Keller on 09/28/2024
As a mother of a child who battled additction and ultimately lost his life to that battle, Georgia will take you on the journey of fighting greif, anger and depression to the ultimate...
Posted by Georgia Owens on 09/25/2024
In "Breaking Free: The Art of True Surrender," Georgina guides your audience through the life-changing process of releasing the burdens that keep us chained—whether...
No matter how powerful, successful or accomplished we may be, we can all fall victim to doubt, hopelessness, fear, anxiety and even despair. Yet, we can be overcomes, pressing on to...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
Many of us at one time or another lost something that caused trauma, or perhaps we lost everything at one time like "the perfect storm." Some have lost loved ones,...
Posted by Mindy Glaser on 09/03/2024
Let's be real! I am more concerned with helping your heart heal, than how your flesh feels!Galatians 5:22-26 GNTD[22] But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
I am doing this very vulnerable post to help you ladies be vulnerable also, because that's where we find our healing, in being honest with ourselves where we are falling short...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Melissa discusses how toxic thoughts affect all aspects of our lives. When we battle with intrusive negative thoughts, aka toxic thoughts, we usually battle low self-esteem and physical...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 08/10/2024
Does God work all things together for our good? How do we define what is good? Join Shelly as she shares her personal story of discovering God's goodness as He conformed her to...
Posted by Shelly Chandler on 08/09/2024
Life's journey often takes us through valleys of despair, where darkness and depression seem overwhelming. It's in these moments that God's healing power can become most...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 06/26/2024