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I choose joy!

I choose joy!

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Huntsville, TX 77340
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

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Bethel Baptist Church New Waverly
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Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Ruth Wheat

Ruth Wheat is a seasoned keynote speaker, author, Bible study leader and passionate advocate for women. Ruth helps women celebrate their God-given gifts and discover the joy and laughter that come from living a life rooted in Christ.


Through Ruth's authentic and relatable storytelling, she encourages her audience to see God's hand in every circumstance and to find joy even in the midst of trials. Her infectious laughter and genuine warmth create an atmosphere of community and support to all who know her.

In 1994, she received a divine calling to uplift and encourage women, a mission that she was able to embrace wholeheartedly throughout her career as a corporate executive.  She recognized the unique challenges faced by women in the professional world and dedicated herself to support and empower her female colleagues, helping them thrive in their careers and beyond. 

When she retired from corporate America in 2020, she sensed a deeper calling to continue serving women in her retirement.  She partnered with her dear friend, Belinda Hamilton, to establish a women's ministry called "Pack Your Purse Ministries."   Through this ministry, they are able to offer faith-based materials for individuals and groups of women  to use in their spiritual growth and partner with women in ministry to develop and plan retreats that are spirit-filled and fun.

In 2024, Ruth released her latest book, "Giddy Up Estelle!! We've gotta lot of living to do!". This inspirational work follows her first book "Oh No!  My Wonder Woman Cape is Caught in the Vacuum!" both encouraging women to embrace the richness of life, challenging them to live boldly, pursue their passions, and make the most of every moment.

With years of experience planning events, she understands an event planner's desire to create an event that exceeds the expectations of the participants.  As a result, she spends a lot of time with event planners to ensure that her message that resonates with the attendees and creates a desire to hear more.  

Ruth lives with her husband Buck in Huntsville TX. She is a wife, mother and grandmother to 7 boys and 1 girl.  When she's not speaking, writing books, retreat materials, Bible studies, and organizing her church women's activities, she is baking and decorating cookies!

For more about Ruth go to www.ruthwheatauthorspeaker.com

Ruth Wheat Recommendations

Submitted by Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Saturday, Feb 22, 2025

Lori Knutson, Women's Discipleship Coordinator

Ruth braved snow (in Texas!) and drove down and spoke with the women of our church. Our theme was "Bloom Where You are Planted!" and Ruth delivered--despite the fact it was near freezing outside. Ruth has an amazing ability to connect with each woman she meets and her love of the Lord and passion for mentoring and supporting women of all ages is quickly apparent! It was an absolute joy to have Ruth visit us in Nassau Bay and hear her speak--we would definitely have her back again! 

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Submitted by Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries on Wednesday, Aug 07, 2024

Sue Milam

"Ruth is enthusiastic, inspirational and insightful. Her style is humorous causing you to laugh and enjoy her presentation. She also encourages you to examine your life and look at areas that might need improvement. She is a woman of God and helps others to live out their walk with God." Sue Milam President, Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries

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Submitted by HaVi Enterprises on Sunday, Aug 04, 2024

Brenda Vicente

Ruth will empower you. She speaks to your soul, making you laugh and cry. You'll ask yourself, "How does she know that about me?" Her gift of speaking resonates with everyone in the room. Her stories are real and from the heart. Ruth's daily walk with God will inspire you.

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Submitted by Girls Just Wanna Retreat on Friday, Jul 19, 2024

Belinda Hamilton

Ruth Wheat is an engaging speaker. Her demeanor in front of an audience is relaxed, and her humor blends well with an ability to address a variety of topics. With the use of memorable stories, that are perfect timed, Ruth brings the point home. Best described as “personality plus,” I recommend Ruth for any fun and thought-provoking ladies' event.  Belinda Hamilton Author / Illustrator 

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Ruth Wheat Speaking Topics

From Darkness to Joy

Life's journey often takes us through valleys of despair, where darkness and depression seem overwhelming. It's in these moments that God's healing power can become most...

Giddy Up Estelle! We've Gotta a Lot of Living to Do

Ruth offers a beacon of hope and inspiration for women entering the golden years of their lives. Drawing on her own experiences and those of women she has encountered on her journey,...

Bloom Where You're Planted

Just as Esther was chosen "for such a time as this," Ruth encourages women to recognize that they too have been uniquely gifted and positioned by God to fulfill a purpose...

Oh No! My Wonder Woman Cape is Caught in the Vacuum!

It's exhausting being Wonder Woman!  Countless activities keep us in a whirlwind and we often forget to take care of ourselves.  What if we get rid of our Wonder Woman...

Living the Sweet Life

Ruth's message offers a refreshing perspective rooted in faith and compassion. She reminds us that we are all imperfect beings, prone to mistakes and shortcomings, yet through...

Hundreds of Blessings and Counting

Our Heavenly Father blesses us big!  A grateful heart can make a huge difference in how we respond to day to day pressures, anxiety and life in general.  Join Ruth as she...

A Tale of Two Sisters: Serving and Sitting in God’s Presence

In  the Gospel of Luke, we meet two sisters, Mary and Martha, who welcomed Jesus into their home. Each sister represents a unique way of responding to Jesus’s presence,...

Ruth Wheat Events

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Ruth Wheat Resources

Giddy Up Estelle!! We've gotta lot of living to do!

Getty Up Estelle! We’ve Gotta Lot of Living to Do! provides a road map for the journey into living our best lives after sixty. As we age, many women tend to look at their past as the best years of their lives, while discounting the blessings and opportunities that lie in our futures. In her friendly style, Ruth Wheat shares stories of her life with humor and honesty to encourage women to live every day with purpose, gratitude, and joy regardless of age and circumstances. You’ll be introduced to women who are living full, active lives in their eighties with no indication of slowing...

Posted by Ruth Wheat on 07/12/2024

Giddy Up, Estelle!! Retreat Kit

Based upon the book, Giddy Up Estelle !!We've Gotta Lot of Living To Do! by Ruth Wheat, this retreat is a special treat for women over 50.  The focus of the retreat is to encourage women to live their best lives with purpose, gratitude and joy regardless of age and circumstances.   Included in this kit are ideas for tote bags, crafts, icebreakers, music, small grouop activities, speaker notes and scriptures for 3 Sessions - Worth More Than Diamonds, Look on the Bright Side, and Women in Legacy; and more! Whether you use just some of the materials or all, your retreat will be long...

Posted by Ruth Wheat on 07/12/2024

Inspired Living Blog

Our every day lives can get messy and sometimes we just need to take a little break and fill our hearts and souls with some inspiration.  Ruth Wheat shares encouragement, humor and tips for living your best life in this weekly blog.  From visiting at your kitchen table with friends to uncluttering your "filled with stuff" life, this weekly dose of inspiration will be a breath of fresh air in our busy worlds. ...

Posted by Ruth Wheat on 07/12/2024

Ruth Wheat One Sheet

Introducing Ruth Wheat, her speaking topics, testimonials and contact information. ...

Posted by Ruth Wheat on 07/17/2024

Wonderous Woman Journal

Transform your life and embrace inner peace with the "10-Minute Daily Gratitude Journal for Women." Say goodbye to negativity and step into a world of positivity, self-discovery, and empowerment. This powerful guidebook is designed to help you connect with the amazing woman you are and unlock the beauty of your life's journey. Why You'll Love This Journal: Discover and celebrate your unique qualities.Embrace your experiences and find purpose in every moment. Emotional Benefits: Boost your confidence and nurture self-love.Experience the transformative power of daily affirmations...

Posted by Ruth Wheat on 11/16/2024

Oh No! My Wonder Woman Cape is Caught in the Vacuum!

Wonder Woman is exhausted! Striving to be everything for everyone will leave you drained and feeling empty! Discover the true power of being a Wonderous Woman in "Oh No! My Wonder Woman Cape is Caught in the Vacuum" by Ruth Wheat and Brenda Vicente. The authors, through their own personal experiences and insights, reveal the toll that society's unrealistic expectations can take on women and offer practical strategies for living a more balanced and fulfilling life. Benefits: - Embrace your authentic self and live with joy and purpose - Learn to manage time effectively, set...

Posted by Ruth Wheat on 11/16/2024