Many of us at one time or another lost something that caused trauma, or perhaps we lost everything at one time like "the perfect storm." Some have lost loved ones, others were abandoned by spouses, and some even had to start life anew with having become disabled. Life is full of endings that cause pain, even the "happy ones" like graduations, moving out of your home town even if you are on your way living large in a new city, is saying goodbye to friends and all that was familiar and comfortable. Every life passage causes good-byes yet simultaneously poses new possibilities. Sometimes the pain of loss of a loved one, a failed business, foreclosure of a dream home, losing one's mobility to an accident or disease, or any broken dream or perceived "failed" goal, can make one's heart and hope feel so wounded, that they struggle to have faith and hope that life can ever be joyful again. Well I'm here to tell you that as a survivor of depression and loss, that weeping may endure for a night but I know that I know that joy DOES come in the morning!