Moving from following self to following Christ...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/01/2024
You are made in the image of God - Stop hating yourself - You are fearfully and wonderfully made. When you change your won't have to change your outward looks! In Poetic Prescriptions for Eternal Youth: Examining Earthly Beauty from a Heavenly Perspective, Katherine Norland picks apart societal standards of beauty that have been foisted upon us. She shatters misconceptions about image and self-worth in this truthful yet lighthearted look at our bodies, and shows us the difference a divine perspective makes. Katherine pops the fallacy of being perfect like a ripe zit,...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/11/2024
Does Your Life Bite? Does it seem like your prayers never get answered? Are you wondering where God is in all this? It's like you've gone to war in a flypaper dress, trying to catch each buzzing pest: those swarming problems that keep you from living the full life God has for you. Katherine tackles modern day problems we deal with using the 10 plagues of the Bible and other modern day plagues we deal with now, like thoughts of divorce, obesity, fear, suicide, AIDS, domestic violence, broken hearts, etc. Whether it be physical ailments or broken spirits from bad relationships to...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/09/2024
Stop Building Other People's Dreams and Sabotaging Your Own So You Can Step into Your Calling and Live Your Purpose with Confidence. Discover Your Value * Learn to Love Yourself * Finally Know You Matter * Are you tired of suffering through life and being at war with yourself? Or feeling that others were more qualified, beautiful, or blessed than you? Have you ever wondered how you could possibly achieve your dreams when you don’t feel like you’re enough? If so, that stops today. In this book you will: * Be able to see yourself and love yourself the way...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/08/2024
You Are Beautiful! Devotions to Help You Understand Your Worth & Purpose POCKET EDITION contains the same great lessons as the first edition but with updated content, a fresh, new look inside and a compact package outside! Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, "He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Everything—which includes you! Do you have trouble believing that? If so, you’re not alone. As girls and women, it's easy to become insecure about our appearance when we're bombarded with images depicting "perfection.” Comparison becomes part...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 08/06/2022
Letting God See Me Naked written testimony of one woman that mirrors the unspoken testimony of many people. Karen, like so many others, has had a life full of events that caused her to live life hidden behind shame, embarrassment, and an unforgiving heart. In this book, she discloses the events and circumstances of her life and how these situations kept her from fulfilling her true purpose and destiny. Accomplished in business and in her personal life, Karen had an external look that tried to mask the internal turmoil she felt from the circumstances of life. ...
Posted by Karen Watson on 06/25/2019
Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, "He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Everything—which includes you! Do you have trouble believing that? If so, you’re not alone. As girls and women, it's easy to become insecure about our appearance when we're bombarded with images depicting "perfection.” Comparison becomes part of our days and we struggle to believe that we are enough. Unfortunately for most, this begins at a young age and low self-esteem is carried into adulthood. Adapted from the message Jennifer has taught to countless girls and women, ...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 05/22/2019
In this full interview, Shana shares about her struggle with low self esteem caused by facial deformities and how Christ helped her overcome low self esteem. ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/24/2018
Get ready to overcome discontent and comparison and learn to live fully as the beautiful unique creation God designed you to be! "For Christian women struggling with body and beauty issues, Barb Roose says what we need to hear with humor and intelligence as she applies the truth of God's Word to the cultural challenges we face." -Sandra D. Bricker, author of Live-Out-Loud Fiction, including the Jessie Stanton series. Buy now by clicking here. clicking here. Other Beautiful Already Resources available: Leader guide, 6-week DVD and participant guide. ...
Posted by Barb Roose on 04/04/2016
Are you tired of your "ugly struggle"? Barb shares biblical teaching and stories from her ugly struggle with beauty. She offers a friendly perspective and practical advice on how to see the goodness, blessing and purpose in every area of our body as well as how we can WIN our ugly struggle with beauty once and for all! Available wherever books are sold, including ! ...
Posted by Barb Roose on 04/04/2016
All women want to feel is valued. But problems arise when we seek confirmation that we are enough using the world's standards. Almost from birth, we are trained to find the approval and acceptance we crave in the eyes of family, friends, and even strangers. The result is that we cannot believe we are who God says we are--accepted, loved, beautiful, and treasured. We get tangled up in the world's assessment and our own self-judgment. With hope-filled writing and plenty of hard-won personal advice, Carey Scott shows women how to untangle their self-esteem from the world and anchor it in Jesus....
Posted by Carey Scott on 11/01/2015