Ever wonder why you feel like God is not listening to you? Are you the only person not hearing from God when you pray? Think you are doing something wrong? In this series, Discovering God! Joan E. Murray takes the stories in the Bible, breaks them down and helps you discover how to connect with God. The series is a collection of her short, to the point books. They are packed with life lessons and strategies. Volume 2 contains the books: Overcoming Loneliness and AlonenessHope in Difficult SeasonsWorship - Our Deepest Need To discover more please go to the...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of mediocrity with seemingly no end in sight? How about having a desperate need to be free from discouragement, disappointment, and even despair? Has the enemy kept you living below your privilege as sons and daughters of God? Understand that you are a child of a great King and that He designed you for greatness. In this book, Called and Chosen for Destiny, Joan Murray takes you on a journey to discover that you are called, destined, and appointed to accomplish great things in your life. You will uncover secrets that will lead you to the...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Through these inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories, Joan takes you deep into the lives of many people who were unsure they could survive their painful struggles. They learned to trust God,and were victorious. You will be too. These stories will inspire and encourage you as you make the decision to trust God completely, because He can be TRUSTED. This workbook is the companion to Joan's book, "You Can TRUST Him." Buy the book and the workbook and take your first steps towards trusting GOD! Joan Murray is totally committed to helping people discover their destiny. She is...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories that will help you find trust truths in the midst of pain,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Beauty Beyond the Thorns Study Guide: Discovering Gifts in Suffering is a companion to the book, Beauty Beyond the Thorns: Discovering Gifts in Suffering. In this study guide, you will be led to write about your journey of suffering so that you can find the beauty often hidden behind hardship. Each chapter draws information from the book, encouraging you to personalize its teachings so you not only read stories of healing, but you also experience personal healing. Study Guide for Beauty Beyond the Thorns: Discovering Gifts in Suffering is a study guide...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 08/06/2022
As a women's ministry leader, you need a trustworthy Bible teacher who handles the Word responsibly and correctly. Though testimonial speaking is inspirational, Bible application is TRANSFORMATIONAL! Allow me to provide multiple pastoral references should you desire to be affirmed in my Bible acumen and teaching. I never take any platform or stage without my Bible in my hand and God's Word leading the message! ...
Posted by Paula Webb on 07/13/2022
We talk to God. Sometimes. But we really don't expect a response. Neither do we look for him in everyday situations. Yvette does, and she tells of her simple but poignant life lessons with God in the car, at home, at church, and even going to the post office! This book of devotions allows you to look at your assumptions and spend time with God with scripture in three popular translations (ESV, NIV and the NBLA in Spanish). Follow prayers and exercises to still yourself and come into His presence as you enter into conversation with the Lord. Yvette Walker's testimony drives this book:...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
Mary Dittman is an award-winning professor, writer, and speaker. She is the creator of College On Fleek and One-Derful Life. Mary's journey of singleness through her 20's, 30's, and 40's will help and inspire you as you create a life you love, even if you're single and you don't want to be! "I always wanted to get married and have a family," Mary says. "But, I'm well over 40 and that never happened for me. And I spent a lot of years feeling sad about it because part of my definition of a fulfilled life includes being a wife and mother. But I realized...
Posted by Mary Dittman on 04/14/2022
At a time of year where we feel we "should " feel joyful, the extra stress and responsibilities of the holidays, loss of loved ones and more, can cause this to be a real struggle. Add to this the challenges we've faced in the last 2 years with COVID-19, and joy can be hard to find. At the BCC Women's Christmas Brunch, Ammie shared her own experiences in a way that allowed many to relate to her journey. She reminded us where our true joy comes from. Ammie provided encouragement and reminders from scripture that allowed the ladies attending to leave the event feeling lighter and...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Weary and exhausted? Discover how to embrace rest, set boundaries, and seek sanctuary without any guilt, shame, or fear. Experience energy, happiness, and creativity for your life and relationships. *Discover the relationship between trust and rest *How rest positions you for God's best *Actionable ways to incorporate rest in the middle of a busy schedule This self-care session was part of The Best Your 2022 event. ...
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 01/21/2022
During this interview with Marnie and Dr. Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner about her new book, Unraveling the Lie-Knot, you’ll discover: • Where your lies are hiding and how to see them. • The anatomy of a lie and what to do when you see one in your thinking. • A quick look at the chemistry of depression including the role of shame, blame and guilt. • The fastest path to emotional and spiritual freedom. • How to discern he difference in your head between the voice of God and Satan. • The current effect of unresolved trauma on yourself and others. Dr. Giesbrecht...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 10/27/2021
During this interview with Marnie and guest, Robin R. King, based on the story of Jael & Deborah, you’ll discover: • Why and how to look beyond the tedious and mundane. • How to trust the tools (gifts) God has given us, while trusting those around us to do their part. • How to stay balanced, not consumed with God’s purposes and plans for others. • What it really takes to seize the opportunities God provides. • Why we must act now. • The most important truth to remember. • How to prepare ourselves for God-sized...
Posted by Robin R King on 10/27/2021