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Melissa Harding

Christian Speaker
Charlotte North Carolina

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Together, we can live fully alive and dangerously awake!

Together, we can live fully alive and dangerously awake!

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Charlotte, NC

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Southland Community Church
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Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Melissa Harding

Melissa is a kitchen-singing, kid-wrangling, word-savoring, Jesus-craving theologian. Melissa attended Seminary at Columbia International University, where she received a Master's Degree in Theological Studies. She has been married to her husband, Ryan, for 20 years. Their ministry has spanned the countries of Costa Rica, Australia, Ethiopia, Rwanda and the United States. They now reside in Charlotte, NC, with their three children. Melissa is passionate about equipping and empowering women to know, understand, trust, share, and defend the Gospel! 

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Melissa Harding Speaking Topics

Fearless: A Call to Live Fully Alive and Dangerously Awake

We spend a lot of our time and focus on staying safe, but does God have bigger dreams for us? Have you ever longed to live a great adventure with God, but feel trapped in a pit of...


God has created us a women to be a force of healing and hope in this world, but often insecurities and unforgiveness hold us back. Digging into the story of Jacob and Esau, this talk...

Starry Eyed

Motherhood is the greatest job in the world - at least that's what they told us! Most of us had dreams of what our life as moms would look like. But the reality is often different...

Behold, Belong, Become

Do you long to belong somewhere? In a world of constant connection, people feel more disconnected than ever. There is a deep desire to belong, yet it often seems just out of reach....

Melissa Harding Events

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Melissa Harding Resources

Mother Hen Flew the Coop: The Book for Moms Who Feel Like Crap

A freedom call for every mom who feels she is never enough... Being a mom is the greatest job in the world … at least that’s what most of us imagined.The truth is, motherhood is hard — really hard. We love our kids, but if we’re honest, some days, we’d rather fly the coop instead. How do we enjoy the moments when the days feel like eternity?How do we love our kids in the midst of the chaos, mama mess-ups and Pinterest-painted expectations of motherhood?With candid honesty and laugh-out-loud humor, "Mother Hen Flew the Coop" takes tired, worn out moms on...

Posted by Melissa Harding on 02/04/2020