When God gives you a dream, it doesn’t come with a manual. At first, the excitement and longing for the dream can drive you. Yet if you do not understand God’s process of preparing the dreamer for the dream and the true meaning of the seeds He plants, you can travel a disappointing, discouraging, and confusing path. Dreams inspired by God require intense seasons of refinement, perseverance, and character development and whatever you must endure to reach His dream for you is outweighed by the glory of being changed by God in the most uncommon ways. Surely dreams are worth more...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/09/2019
Does emotional pain and suffering hold you back from experiencing joy? This e-book provides hope and healing through the hands-on study of Biblical truths, journaling and prayer. Why not take the first step toward recovery from your wounds today? https://gumroad.com/products/RXtb/edit https://www.amazon.com/Moving-Pain-Peace-Journey-Toward-ebook/dp/B07FRQZ5NG ...
Posted by Tammy Kennington on 04/28/2019
Have you ever found yourself in a childlike state in your relationship with God? Have you ever needed someone to come and walk along side you everyday who relates to your struggles? Ammie Boumann does just that in this daily Devotional Living On The Waves. Each day she brings the Grace and Love of God to you in a relatable way. Her personal journey and redemption story brings hope and light to even your darkest places. She takes you day by day, moment by moment giving you biblical principles and personal encouragement to help you conquer the lies that the enemy uses against you. Each page if...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 04/06/2019
Embracing Our Queenly Anointing was birthed out of the author’s recognition that the good, bad and sometimes ugly experiences of the daughter’s of the King, all serve to crown us Queens in the kingdom. The backdrop is the book of Esther, where God used an orphan maiden to rescue a nation from genocide. Though the journey is sometimes laboriously painful, the desire is that God’s Queens will take courage and be resolute in fearlessly facing their giants in the royal court. The hope is that all of God’s daughters will utilize whatever they’ve been allotted...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019
31 Days of Wholeness is an inspirational daily devotional, dedicated to women who are seeking to be completely whole in their journey with the Lord. Scriptures are used along with the testimonies of some amazing women to enlighten the daughters of the King, to embrace the legacy of their royal lineage and live in peace, regardless of their circumstances. Though the devotional is for 31 days, it is the hope that it will be read repeatedly, utilized in women’s Bible studies and used for workshop studies at conferences and retreats. Read, enjoy and be blessed. ...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019
Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18 gives a vivid description of the warfare armor provided to the believer. In Weapons for Victory, the author gives a vibrant description of how, by employing this arsenal she was equipped to gain access to Satan’s camp, retrieve her stuff that was stolen, and walk away in victory. The book takes the reader into the world of the writer as she uses the tools of God’s Word to prepare for deployment, face it head on, and emerge a winner every time. The reader is given a panoramic view of a storm, which though at times grew boisterous, was the avenue God...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019
There is a war going on in the Christian realm, and conservative churches across the nation choose to ignore and avoid; hoping the turmoil will subside if we just pretend it does not exist. Christian Divorce Wars is a book written from the heart of a woman, once ripped apart by the ravishing of a divorce war that left her and her children trapped in a dug out of despair. Although not a biographical portrait, the book gives the reader a glimpse of the hurt and desperation of the wounded soldiers caught in this often overlooked war, which rages within the walls of the sophisticated church. The...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019
Tender Mercies for Tough Moments is a 31 day Blessing Book and Bible Study which tackles real-life challenges and emotions, offers Scriptural solutions, and provides gut-honest prayers. This daily devotional for women (and men) looks beyond the natural and brings you directly to the supernatural God of love. When you can’t bear your situation another minute, Tender Mercies for Tough Moments will guide you into the peaceful assurance of God’s protection, presence and power. Each spiritual daily inspiration can help calm the anxieties, heal the hurting places,...
Posted by Teresa E. Nelson on 03/05/2019
Get Your Spirit On! is for girls and young women who are already cheerleaders, aspire to be cheerleaders, or simply wish to cheer for God. This upbeat devotional offers one entry per week for 40 weeks (which should cover a typical cheer season) and features a prayer (Megaphone to Master); a scripture (Strength Training); a thought-provoking question (Fire Up!); a journaling section (Ready. Ok.), a say it out loud declaration (Give a Shout!) and an action step (Jump Into Acton!), as well as Fit Tips, Fast Stats about cheerleading, and words to actual chants and cheers. Whether done on your...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
Kelly was bored. Growing up in a quiet Amish town in Northeastern Ohio in the 1970s, she was always on the hunt for excitement. Meeting Dace was an unexpected thrill. Home from the U.S. Navy, this handsome young musician shared his drugs, music, experiences beyond her naiveté. She never dreamed his charming façade hid a misogynist, eager to take control of her life. This is Kelly's journey from pregnant teen bride to a brainwashed wife, begging God to kill her abuser. As life became more dangerous she had to flee to protect herself and her two toddlers. Her search for independence...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Reflect on how our lives follow a similar path as the Israelites as they walked in faith on the long journey. Learn how God was patient and merciful to grumbling and complaining while He taught them to trust. To purchase CLICK HERE ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 01/31/2019
Bits of Joy - Book - Yvonne's newest book shares with you over 150 activities that have continued to add Joy to her life. This wonderful gift book combines joyful ideas with the whimsical drawings of her friend, Anna Cerullo, in the hopes they will help to add joy in your own life journey. Five chapters offer thirty fun-filled activities to do with children, thirty-five holiday and celebration ideas, twenty-five tricks that infuse the work environment with a spirit of fun, twenty-five creative and motivational tips and fifty silly suggestions that will bring forth joy. A truly joyful life...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018