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Posted by Katherine Norland on 12/03/2024

You're Worthy No Matter What (Videos)

You're Worthy ‒ No Matter What is a selection of 3 training videos from my online course "You Are Worthy" - This resource will help you see yourself the way God does and stop questioning your worth or whether you deserve God's love and favor.

If you work at a job, your boss may determine whether you DESERVE a raise or a

promotion based on your performance, e.g., did you do the job efficiently, with

excellence, and under cost?

However, a human cannot determine another human’s worthiness. It’s not based on what you’ve done but on what God has said and done.

In God’s eyes, you are worthy no matter what.

When it comes to worthiness, there are four things you must know:

1. You can’t earn it

2. You don’t deserve it

3. It’s not based on how you feel

4. Only God can determine your worth

God doesn’t use a scorecard to determine worth.

You’re not more worthy based on your accomplishments, or less worthy based on your


Others may say you have no value because you’re torn and dented. They may have

thrown you in the trash and walked out of your life.

But wherever you were when you cried out to God for help, He didn’t pay some

“discount” price for you. In God’s eyes, you weren’t on the clearance rack. No. He paid

FULL price for you, with His one and only Son.

And because Christ’s sacrifice for you covered you with righteousness (Isaiah 61:10),

you lack nothing ‒ you are whole and complete, as you are.

“…you also are complete through your union with Christ…

” (Colossians 2:10 NLT).

So, whether you feel worthy is irrelevant. There’s nothing you can do to make yourself worthy that He has not already done for you.

‒ Katherine Norland

Life Coach, Speaker, Actor

Best-selling Author of You Are Worthy

Creator of the “You Are Worthy” Online Course

You're Worthy No Matter What (Videos)


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