You're Worthy ‒ No Matter What is a selection of 3 training videos from my online course "You Are Worthy" - This resource will help you see yourself the way God does and stop questioning your worth or whether you deserve God's love and favor. If you work at a job, your boss may determine whether you DESERVE a raise or a promotion based on your performance, e.g., did you do the job efficiently, with excellence, and under cost? However, a human cannot determine another human’s worthiness. It’s not based on what you’ve done but...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 12/03/2024
You are made in the image of God - Stop hating yourself - You are fearfully and wonderfully made. When you change your won't have to change your outward looks! In Poetic Prescriptions for Eternal Youth: Examining Earthly Beauty from a Heavenly Perspective, Katherine Norland picks apart societal standards of beauty that have been foisted upon us. She shatters misconceptions about image and self-worth in this truthful yet lighthearted look at our bodies, and shows us the difference a divine perspective makes. Katherine pops the fallacy of being perfect like a ripe zit,...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/11/2024
Does Your Life Bite? Does it seem like your prayers never get answered? Are you wondering where God is in all this? It's like you've gone to war in a flypaper dress, trying to catch each buzzing pest: those swarming problems that keep you from living the full life God has for you. Katherine tackles modern day problems we deal with using the 10 plagues of the Bible and other modern day plagues we deal with now, like thoughts of divorce, obesity, fear, suicide, AIDS, domestic violence, broken hearts, etc. Whether it be physical ailments or broken spirits from bad relationships to...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/09/2024
Do you feel like you're on the continual merry-go-round of life and not fully tapping into your potential or often pondering your life's path or purpose and where you fit in? If so, you've come to the right place! Welcome to my podcast, Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, your go-to show for embracing your true self and leading a purposeful life. I'm Lori McAfee—your friend, wife, mom, Mimi, inspirational life coach, speaker, and author. With a multifaceted background and an approach grounded in faith and real-world experience, I aim to provide a sanctuary where we dive...
Posted by Lori McAfee on 11/10/2023
In her true story of radical healing by a radical God, Confidence Coach and Self-worth expert Sharon Hughes, in her best-friend-over-coffee style, shares her testimony and the "God question" that was the tipping point. This one simple question revealed that she wasn't who she thought she was and you might not be either. ...
Posted by Sharon Hughes on 06/17/2023
The Girl In The Garage: 3 Steps to Letting Go Of Your Past Official Book Trailer. The Girl In The Garage: 3 Steps To Letting Go Of Your Past Book trailer: Who would you be if you let go of your past, broke up with lies you've believed and let go of the shame that's held you prisoner? What if you knew that God was for you and not against you? No matter what you've done, or has been done to you; you are seen, loved, and wanted by the creator of the universe. ...
Posted by Sharon Hughes on 06/17/2023
Marketing/PR creatives for your event promotion. ...
Posted by Sharon Hughes on 06/17/2023
Have full blown tantrums and high-pitched whiny voices made their way into your home? Do you feel a little frustrated? Do you wonder what happened to your precious baby bundle and your patience? You must be the parent of a toddler to nine-year-old. When parenting little ones, big love is needed. Raising Little Kids with Big Love reveals fifteen qualities of love. These are demonstrated through anecdotes and the authors’ conversational style, bringing the characteristics of 1 Corinthians 13 love to life in your parenting and in your youngster. Discover how to: •increase your child’s...
Posted by Lori Wildenberg on 02/01/2022
Empowerment is an online mentoring program designed to dismantle the defeat and devalue belief cycle and to rebuild on the framework of God's Word. Jesus came so we could live the abundant life. He desires for us to excel, achieve and advance in everything we do. This will only be established when we realize we are valued and valuable. You were born to live the empowered life- of being purposeful, productive, prosperous and powerful. ...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 02/26/2020
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...