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Posted by Rossie Manka on 09/26/2024

Unshakable...A Woman In Christ

He defiled me and thought it was okay. Little did he know, I would one day become a young woman who would praise God, talk to Him on mountaintops, and become … Unshakable.

Rossie Manka wasn’t always Unshakable. She spent the first parts of her life in a darkness she barely escaped. It was a darkness that took her to the depths of hell and back, full of unwanted spiritual attacks that tormented her for years. Once a prodigal daughter, Rossie ran back to her Father to find His loving arms open wide. By His grace, the resilient part of her rose up, wiped away her tears, looked in the mirror, and said, “I got this.” With her new identity rooted in Christ, she walked out of the darkness with her head held high. Every day she becomes more Unshakable.

Being unshakable means soaring with wings like eagles; strong, mighty, and equipped. It means going to heights you never imagined. It means not becoming weaker in life’s trials, but stronger. It means no longer looking at the storms with fear, but with confidence in the promises of God and faith that makes Jesus marvel. Will you run to the Father and let Him make you Unshakable?

Unshakable...A Woman In Christ


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