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Posted by: Jill Richardson on 08/23/2018

The Work of Play

Play is something we think we’ve outgrown. Yet in today’s world where everything has to go on a resume to matter, play is making a comeback. Research shows that play makes us healthier, happier humans. The capacity to simply wonder at our world  can transform our outlook. Even observing creativity--let alone participating in it--reduces stress levels.

 But who has the time?

Is it really that important to make time for play in our busy lives? What exactly does play look like for grown people? Why is it important? What does it do for us? How can we relearn to play ourselves, and how important is it to let our children just play? Practical ideas and latest research on going back to the wonder of play in  busy world.

Jill has written about this topic in the spring 2016 edition of Hello Dearest (The MOPS International magazine) as well as on A Fine Parent website.

Jill is available to make this presentation/conversation online.

Jill Richardson https://jillmrichardson.com/ 

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