So many conflicting voices tell us who we are and who we are supposed to be. We can easily get turned around and disoriented by the many expectations and pressures we feel every day to be something, or someone, different. Some days, it's easy to lose ourselves completely.
But only one voice wants to give us a life of promise and identity that is secure beyond all fears and lies. So much that is broken in our lives can be healed by knowing who we are and who we were born to be. So much can be clear when we realize we are seen, heard, known, and chosen for a purpose. And when we know who we are, it's a brave and beautiful step toward helping others discover it for themselves. Do you dare to live the story He has for you?
Suitable for church events, and can be taken in 3 or 4 talks for retreats. This talk can also be crafted into a women's Christmas event, featuring the women in Matthew 1.