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Posted by: Jill Richardson on 01/08/2016

Surrender Isn't for Cowards

Especially in our current climate of hostility and "never give an inch" mentality, surrender sounds like a dirty word. No one surrenders--we fight until the bitter end. I know I do! 

But surrender is something God actually asks us to do--so why is it such an awful word? How does our automatic rejection of it make it difficult for us to surrender everything to God? What exactly does a surrendered life look like? 

You might be surprised to learn that surrender of the right thing, to the right person, for the right reasons, ends up making us more powerful than ever.

While American culture tells us waving the white flag is for cowards, personal surrender to God's desires is really the ultimate act of courage and rebellion. It makes us more peaceful, grace-filled, honest--and brave.

Jill is available to make this presentation/conversation online.

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