Christian Speaker
Elsberry Missouri 63343
Love God. Love People. Touch Lives.
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Elsberry, MO 63343
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Karen Donathen-Duffy is the founder/president of Come to the Rainforest Foundation which serves and works alongside the remote indigenous peoples who live deep in the Ecuadorian rainforest. She is the Preaching Minister (ordained) at 1st Christian Church in Louisiana, MO, a retired Bible college professor and a former women's minister.
Karen is a featured speaker of Christian Women Speakers and a member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. She is a graduate of Ozark Bible College and Xavier University. Karen is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, a Civil War Re-enactor and is listed in Who’s Who Among American Women, Who’s Who Among International Women and Who’s Who Among America’s Greatest Teachers.
For more than forty years she has been traveling nationwide speaking for both Christian and secular events, seminars, conferences, retreats, conventions, luncheons and women's events.
Karen strives to stay close to the Lord by dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty. Her desire is to encourage and uplift women in the Lord by giving them biblically inspired messages of hope! No matter what your circumstances or the pain you are asked to carry, there is a refuge where you can hide and a loving God who knows the desires of your heart and is even now working to fulfill them.
Karen speaks from experience regarding suffering and waiting for dreams to be fulfilled! Within 15 months she experienced 7 major traumatic events including the sudden death of her 5 year old daughter in a freak horse accident, her former husband's battle with deep depression, mental illnesses and bulimia, followed by a divorce and a 3-year court battle as Karen fought for sole custody of her daughters. Through it all she found shelter in the shadow of the Almighty. You can too!
After waiting for more than 30 years for the fulfillment of a long-awaited dream to come true, Karen now has the privilege of working alongside the Waorani and Achuar tribes who live in remote villages in the Ecuadorian rainforest. She believes that she was born to serve these people! God doesn't forget His children’s dreams! His timing is always perfect; and, you are never too old to be used by Him and for His purposes. Karen feels so blessed that she can do His work deep in the rainforest of Ecuador!
Those who are searching to know “why?”, who don’t understand where they are headed or what God’s plan is for their lives, will especially find within her presentations a new song of joy that God gives to each one that He calls His own.
Karen is married to a wonderful Scotsman from Dunfermline, Scotland. She has three daughters, one of whom is living in heaven. Her oldest daughter is a cosmetologist who models part time and helps Karen run Varlebena Farms, their 501c3 animal rescue and sanctuary. Karen's youngest daughter is an English Professor, a People to People Ambassador, an artist and a writer of short stories.
Karen and her husband live in a restored 1819 log cabin which sits on 35 acres surrounded by a wildlife preserve. Her farm is host to her 501c3 farm animal sanctuary where she delights in her beloved animals: 9 horses, 10 miniature donkeys, 2 miniature ponies, 1 miniature mule, 2 Highland cattle, 6 pot-bellied pigs, 4 dogs, 3 cats, chickens, ducks and turkeys! Karen has been a Civil War Reenactor and living history participant for over 40 years. She is an historical clothier and also enjoys hearth cooking, antique collecting, vintage dancing, Scottish country dancing and the beauty of the changing seasons.
Karen enjoys speaking to groups of any size and is currently working on an in-depth Bible study on the Tabernacle. Her 2025-26 Feature Presentation is WHEN GOD USES ONE WOMAN. During this presentation, Karen tells of how she went from a retired Bible College Professor to part time missionary deep in the Ecuadorian rainforest! She shares how God fulfills the dreams of His children no matter their age, seeming lack of qualifications, or their circumstances! Discover what one person can do when God uses them for His purpose all the while fulfilling a long-awaited dream! You may just be next!!! He does have a plan for each of us; one that is just perfect for our life...even when it seems all is lost, or we feel we have made all the wrong choices, or perhaps that it is just too late! God is at work orchestrating the universe...He will give you the desires of your heart and a song to sing!
Karen is excited to have the opportunity to share Biblical messages of encouragement, hope and God's everlasting love to Christian women across the nation. She looks forward to having an opportunity to meet you and to fellowship with your group.
Submitted by Personal Friend on Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024
Karen is a highly intelligent, gifted communicator with excellent social skills and insight. She never disappoints in her presentations!
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Submitted by Church on Friday, Jan 19, 2024
I’ve heard Karen speak multiple times in various settings. She always captures the audience attention in such a way you’ll never be the same. If your looking for spiritual growth and/or inspiration look no further she has you covered.
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Submitted by Northside Christian Church on Wednesday, Nov 23, 2022
Karen is an excellent teacher, communicator and brought all of herself to share with the women. Her thoughts reflected much study, a love for the Word of God and a heart for women - the same qualities I have seen and have experienced in the teaching of Beth Moore. We were all blessed beyond our expectations at the depth of insight and wisdom of her teaching.
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Submitted by The Global Village Project on Monday, Aug 08, 2022
Karen is a dynamic, biblical and relatable speaker who I thoroughly enjoy listening to! Having heard her speak on a variety of occasions, she's definitely at the top of my list! Whether she's sharing her adventures in the rainforest or about God's goodness midst tragedy in her own personal testimony, Karen is captivating and leaves you wanting to hear more! If you're looking for a speaker for your next women's event or someone to help you think outside the box about how God can use just one woman, I HIGHLY encourage you to book Karen!
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Submitted by Church Of God Holiness on Wednesday, Mar 23, 2022
Karen was extremely well received by our women, as well as by the entire church, after she spoke at our annual women's conference, and then in our Sunday morning services. She ignited a passion for living with purpose in light of eternity. She has come through a life of suffering to a place where God is using her mightily, but she doesn't use her time talking about herself or her own story... her presentations are fully of teaching the Word and biblical principles. She connects with her hearers both while she is speaking and off the stage, when she endears herself to people through her authentic, down-to-earth relationship skills. I highly recommend Karen as a speaker for any event!
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Submitted by Christview Christian Church, Ladies Group on Tuesday, Feb 08, 2022
Karen is such a wonderful and gifted speaker...humorous, scholarly, open, and gentle all at the same time. She really made a great impression!
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Submitted by Everyday Fellowship Church & McKendree University on Friday, Oct 29, 2021
Karen is a profoundly gifted and eloquently engaging speaker, an experienced and knowledgeable educator, and a passionate and authentic Christian leader. As co- workers at a Christian college for 15 years, I have observed first-hand Karen’s balance of academic excellence with spiritual persuasiveness.
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Submitted by Karen Duffy on Saturday, Oct 09, 2021
This speaker is top-notched. She is on fire for the Lord and brings her enthusiasm and depth of Biblical insight to each session!
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Submitted by Faith COvenant Ministries on Tuesday, Jul 06, 2021
I think Karen Duffy is one of the best speakers I have had the pleasure of listening to. She was one of my Professors at Saint Louis Christian College and her class was one that I always looked forward to attending. Karen has a unique way of engaging you in what she is talking about. She brought events in the bible as well as world history to you in such a way that you can see in your mind what went on. A class that I was not interested in taking, she made very enjoyable. I could see in my mind what she was saying.
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Submitted by First Christian Church on Wednesday, Apr 01, 2020
"Many guests were not regular church attenders. God used you to bring joy, fun, and humor to draw them back to His church family. You blessed us all with your spirit."
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Submitted by Harvester Christian Church on Wednesday, Feb 05, 2020
The genuineness of Karen's convictions are so apparent as she speaks. Her understanding of the beauty of scripture is so powerful and deep.
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Submitted by Lincoln Property on Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020
I consider Karen Duffy one the most eloquent speakers and teachers I have ever met. She engages each generation with every word. As a favorite amongst the students of our college, she was able to enrich each person's knowledge while also challenging them to pursue their dreams and hopes. Personally, Karen Duffy encouraged me to pursue public speaking when others did not because I am female. She taught me strength, encouraged me to follow through, and because of her I did not give up. I often think back on the sermons she preached, the lessons she taught, and stories she told. I believe they were formative in who I became as an adult. I trust her to always tell me the truth about scripture and to always leave me wanting more knowledge of God's word.
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Submitted by Reflections Of History on Tuesday, Jan 28, 2020
I have had the privilege of hearing Karen Duffy speak at 4 ladies' conferences. She is not only knowledgeable of the subject, but is able to captivate her audiences. She was, by far, the most popular speaker at these conferences. Karen Duffy is also very approachable and willing to give of her time long after her presentation is over. She is a gracious and humble person; a fine example of a Christian woman. Any organization that engages her as a speaker will invite her back time and time again. Although I did not know her when I first heard her speak, over the years we have become friends. I now consider her one of my dearest Christian friends, and am thankful the Lord has put her in my life.
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Submitted by Retired College Professor on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020
Ms. Duffy, I learned a number of years ago, is a serious scholar, an adept public speaker and a person of integrity and deep spiritual awareness.
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Submitted by YMCA on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020
Karen is a prime example of someone who walks their talk. She is an exemplary public speaker and has knowledge of a wide range of topics. I've personally attended several of her speaking engagements. Audiences were listening and exchanged. I highly recommend her for CHRISTIAN WOMEN SPEAKERS.
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Submitted by Law Firm on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020
I have had the pleasure of attending several of Karen's speaking engagements. When i leave, the question foremost in my mind is, when is the next one? Karen's sessions are enlightening, engaging, professional and humorous. Her research is thorough. She approaches her subjects from a new angle which brings a fresh approach. I highly recommend attending one of her speaker sessions.
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Submitted by Personal Friend on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020
I’ve heard Karen speak many times over the years at Christian as well as secular events. She always comes prepared, with an excellent knowledge of her subject, and presents with great clarity. She has the ability to relate to and connect with her audience in all types of situations. You will not be disappointed!
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Submitted by St. Louis Christian College on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020
I had the pleasure of having Karen Duffy as a college professor, and she is such a role model. Not only did I see her speak in a classroom setting, but a chapel setting, as well. The entire college attended this service, and it always made my day to hear her speak. She’s very clear, encouraging, inspiring, and you leave challenged. I highly recommend her for any setting.
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Karen's Testimony of becoming a Missionary in her mid-40s.God wants to fulfill the dreams of His children no matter their age, seeming lack of qualifications, or their circumstances!...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020
Life out of control? Can’t slow down? Too many things to do? Wish for a moment of calm? Where’s the joy? Where’s the peace that passes all understanding? You...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020
Using an egg analogy, Karen shares the way God answers our prayers and why He says no or wait at times. Together we'll also explore prayer as the means by which...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020
Are there difficult people in your life? Perhaps you live, work, or attend church with them. In this humorous session, based on Romans 14 and the four major personality...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020
We have dreams of what we desire our life to look like. We’ll be happy “when”: when I get my dream job, when my life slows down …“Lord, when is...
Karen presents a heart-stirring, costumed dramatization of Peter’s wife recalling the days when Jesus walked the earth. Full of vivid imagery and a wide range of emotions,...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020
All of us at some time struggle with the difficult question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Is God really in control? Why doesn’t he do something...
This presentation is Karen’s personal testimony.One minute you’re walking peacefully down life’s path, the next minute – you’re hit by an unexpected tragedy....
Are you a talker, doer, thinker, or watcher? Is your main goal in life to have fun, be in control, seek perfection, or be at peace? Learn about the personality types and...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/16/2020
As a retired Bible College Professor and a former Women's Minister I have many presentations and message ideas that can be customized to your theme or your choice of Bible verse(s)....
In 1956, five American missionaries were speared by an uncontacted group of Waorani (Aucas) warriors deep in the Ecuadorian jungle. The news of the death of the men quickly became...
Karen will share how our lives can and should look if we seek first the Kingdom of God. How different our priorities would be if we kept the ‘Kingdom is at hand’...
Karen shares a short bible study. Ever wondered why Jesus chose the route he took for His Triumphal Entry? Karen shares the parallel between Jesus' choosen route and an account in Ezekiel! ...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 04/22/2020
In this short Bible study Karen shares an alternative interpretation to what is happening with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. What a savior! ...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 04/22/2020
Karen shares what her foundation does as she works alongside the indigenous people who live deep in the Ecuadorian rainforest. Her presentation "When God Uses One Woman" shares more of the story of how Karen became involved with the Waorani and Achuar peoples of the rainforest! ...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 04/22/2020
Karen looks at an historic meaning to the phrase "Salt of the Earth," to discover whether or not it means what we think it means. And what does it have to do with a manure pile??? ...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 04/23/2020