We have dreams of what we desire our life to look like. We’ll be happy “when”: when I get my dream job, when my life slows down …“Lord, when is it my turn? This isn’t what I wanted!” Together we’ll discover the answer to: What do you do when you’re married to Leah while desiring Rachel?
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“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days because of his love for her.” Gen. 29:20
In our lives we often encounter seasons of frustration. We have dreams of what we want out of life - what we desire our life to look like now! Yet, reality often doesn’t live up to our vision, does it? We think we will be happy “when”: When I get my dream job, then…, When I get married, then…,When my life slows down, then…, etc.
We cry out to the Lord, “When is it my turn? This is not what I had planned! Why are you doing this to me?” Using the story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, Karen will help to guide you into a great lesson of God’s truth, which answers the question: What do you do when you are married to Leah but desiring Rachel?